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Chapter 7 Letter Five to Julie

New Heloise 卢梭 1461Words 2018-03-18
Almighty God!I have only one soul ready to suffer, give me a soul to enjoy happiness.Love, life of the soul, come and sustain my dying life.Morality, the indescribable charm, the voice of the beloved, the irresistible power, happiness, joy, passion, how dazzling your lights are!Who can bear them?what!How can I satisfy that torrent of pleasure that overwhelms my soul?How do you get over the insecurity of a terrified Quarry?Julie... can't you?My begging Julie!My tearful Julie! ... She, whom the whole world should pay tribute to, actually begged a man who admired her not to insult her, not to insult herself!If I could get mad at you, I would, because your cowardice has dishonored us.Judge the nature of your influence, fair and pure angel.well!If I admire your charm, isn't it because of your flawless heart?It is this heart that stirs you as a person, and all your features bear its divine imprint.Are you afraid of letting my pursuit succeed?Could a woman who covered with respect and integrity all the emotions she aroused fear any pursuit?What mean man in the world would dare to treat you rudely?

You allow me to taste this unexpected happiness of being loved... being loved by her... Queen of the world, let me look up to you!Allow me to reread and reread this precious letter a thousand times, your love, your sentiments are all expressed in burning words, and, though an excited heart is restless, I rejoice Behold, the most ardent passions in this righteous heart still retain the sanctity of morality!After reading this touching letter, who would take advantage of others?Unless he is a demon, trying to show his own extremely vile heart.No, dear sweetheart, trust my faithful friend, he is definitely not one to deceive you.Though my sanity is forever lost, and though my insanity grows every moment, from this day forth you will be to me the most precious and most sacred person in the world.My passion and its object will together maintain a purity that never deteriorates.Even if I touch your pure face tremblingly with the most obscene thoughts, you can rest assured that you will be safer than if you are with your father.what!In case this happy lover gets carried away in front of you for a moment! . . . Then Julie's lover's heart is the most vile and vile!No, I will cease to love you when I cease to value virtue.Once I'm mean and shameful, I don't want to love you anymore.

I swear to you by the tenderness and pure love that united us both: take it easy.This is my guarantee of restraint and respect to you, and you can rest assured of me.But why is your fear stronger than my desire?If it were enough for my whole soul to be satisfied with this happiness which it enjoys, what other happiness should I long for?Yes, we were both young, we were in love for the first and only time in our lives, we were inexperienced in passion and mania, but could the honesty that guided us be a deceitful guide?Must there be dubious experience gained by dirty means?I don't know if I'm mistaken, but I feel that the emotion of integrity is deep within me.I was by no means a mean seducer as you call me in your despondency, but a simple and affectionate man who said what he had and never had anything of which he should be ashamed.In a word, I hate sin more than I love Julie.I don't know, really, I don't know if the love you evoke is compatible with indecency, I don't know if any heart but a righteous heart can well perceive all of you charm.In my case, the more I get involved, the more my emotions grow.For this love, how can I not do good things?Am I not trying now to make myself worthy of you?what!You just trust me with the passion you inspire, you know how to purify it.Please believe that as long as I respect you, I will always respect this precious sustenance you entrusted to me.what!What a beautiful heart I want to have!True happiness, the glory of being admired, the triumph of a love that respects each other, but you are infinitely better than all these joys!

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