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Chapter 4 4. Tears and complaints - the power of water

A child who discovers that tears are the best weapon to master others can become a crybaby, and a crybaby can easily become a depressed adult. Tears and complaints—methods I call “water power”—are effective weapons for undermining cooperation and reducing others to the status of slaves. Such people are as effective as the overly shy, coy, and criminal. We can see an inferiority complex in his demeanor, they have acquiesced to their weakness, and their inability to take care of themselves. What they hide from others is the transcendent, lofty goals, and the A determination to override others at any cost.

On the contrary, a child who likes to boast will show his superiority complex at first sight, but if we observe his behavior and ignore his words, then we will soon discover the inferiority complex he does not admit.The so-called "Oedipus complex" (Oedipus complex) is actually just a special example of the "little castle" of neurotic patients. A man cannot successfully solve his love problem unless he dares to deal with it as he pleases in the outside world.If he confines his sphere of activity to the family circle, it is not surprising that his sexual problems must also be worked out within this sphere.

Because of his insecurities, he never extended his interests beyond the few people he knew best.He is afraid that when he gets along with others, he will no longer be able to control the situation in the way he is used to. The victims of the Oedipus complex are mostly spoiled children of their mothers, who have been brought up to believe that their wishes have an innate right to be fulfilled, never knowing that they can do so on their own. Work hard to win warmth and love outside the scope of the family. In adult life, they are still tied to their mother's apron strings.What they look for in love is not an equal partner, but a servant; and the servant they can rely on most safely is their mother.We can create an Oedipus complex in any child.All we need is for his mother to pamper him, to keep him from extending his interests to other people, and his father to be indifferent to him.

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