Home Categories Chinese history Nanjing Massacre · 1937

Chapter 67 5. Few evils

Nanjing Massacre · 1937 姚辉云 2245Words 2018-03-16
While the Hisao Tani case was being tried, the Chinese government also made several requests to the Allied Forces Headquarters in Tokyo for the arrest and extradition of several principal criminals of the "Nanjing Massacre", including Heisuke Yanagawa and Kansago Nakajima. Why were they not extradited to China for trial?What will happen at the end of the day? Yanagawa Hirasuke, Commander of the Tenth Army of the Japanese Invading Army, the principal culprit of the "Nanjing Massacre", and a Class B war criminal. Yanagawa Hirasuke was born in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan in 1884, from a noble family. In October 1937, he served as the commander of the Tenth Army. He led the Sixth Division, the Eighteenth Division, and the One Hundred and Fourteenth Division to land in Hangzhou Bay on November 5, and marched towards Nanjing in a mighty manner.In Nanjing Zhonghuamen, Tongjimen, Yijiangmen, Xiaguan and other places, large-scale burning, looting and massacres were carried out. These massacres were all carried out under the instigation and connivance of Yanagawa Hirasuke.

After the "Nanjing Massacre" tragedy, Liu Chuanheisuke was transferred back to China and served as the deputy minister of Xingya Academy. In 1941, Fu became the governor of Sumatra.During his tenure as governor, he frantically plundered supplies, hunted and killed anti-Japanese elements, and brutally massacred prisoners.Once, during an air battle in the Balintang Strait, three U.S. pilots parachuted and were captured. Hirasuke Yanagawa personally interrogated and extorted a confession, and finally ordered the executioner to skin, goug out eyes, disembowel, and gout out the hearts of the three U.S. pilots. capital punishment.

At the end of 1944, Yanagi Chuanheisuke was transferred back to China. After the doctor's examination, he was suffering from advanced liver cancer and was bedridden ever since. On January 2, 1945, when he was dying, Yanagawa Heisuke motioned to his family to fetch the saber, held the saber tightly with both hands, and closed his devil's eyes reluctantly. Tsukada Gong, chief of staff of the Central China Front Army of the Japanese invaders, and the main culprit of the "Nanjing Massacre". Tsukada Ko is a native of Ibaraki, Japan, born in 1886. In 1937, he served as the chief of staff of the Shanghai Dispatched Army, assisted Matsui Iwane in the battle against Shanghai and Nanjing, and had an unshirkable responsibility for the "Nanjing Massacre". At the beginning of 1938, he was transferred back to China and served as the president of the Army University. In 1942, Tsukada went to China for the fifth time and served as the commander of the 11th Army.

At noon on December 18, 1942, Tsukada took the opportunity to return to Hankou together with Fujiwara Takeshi, senior staff officer of the 11th Army, after attending the military conference in Nanjing.Just as he was talking about his plan to "attack Chongqing and capture Chiang Kai-shek alive" on the plane, the fuselage shook suddenly, and then fell headlong.It turned out that his plane had been hit by the anti-aircraft artillery unit of the 138th Division of the 21st Group Army of the Fifth Theater of China, and then crashed into the forest near Tianjiatan, Taihu County, western Anhui.Tsukada Gong was thrown into a blurred body, his head was shattered, and his brains were scattered everywhere.The culprit of the "Nanjing Massacre" was severely punished by the Chinese people in advance.

Akira Muto, the deputy chief of staff of the Central China Front Army of the Japanese invaders, the principal culprit of the "Nanjing Massacre", and a Class A war criminal. Akira Muto was born in 1892 in Kumamoto, Japan. He has successively held important positions in the military and is one of the key figures who actively advocated the invasion of China. On December 17, 1937, Akira Muto accompanied Matsui Iwane into Nanjing and lived in Nanjing for 4 weeks. He personally instructed the commanders of his subordinate troops: "In general, no prisoners will be kept, and they will be resolved properly in a corner." The so-called "proper settlement" , In fact, it is murder and cremation, leaving no trace.

In 1944, Akira Muto was transferred to the Chief of Staff of the 14th Front Army in Manila. In January 1945, the U.S. offensive was successful, and the main force of the Japanese army retreated to Mount Baguio.Akira Muto ordered the troops to loot, burn, rape, and massacre the entire city of Manila before the arrival of the U.S. military, creating the "Manila Tragedy" that shocked the world. The most cruel thing was the massacre of more than 800 children at the University of Sao Paulo.In the restaurant of this university, there are 5 giant lamp stands in the shape of branches. The Japanese army hid many cluster grenades in the lamps in advance, and then put candy and snacks on the dining table under the lamps, coaxing more than 800 Filipino children into the restaurant. Come and enjoy.While many innocent children were happily eating candy and snacks, a grenade rang out. With the bang of the explosion, flesh and blood flew in the hall, and many children died unexpectedly.The children who were lucky enough to survive ran away crying and fleeing. What awaited them was another burst of machine gun fire...

Another squadron of Japanese soldiers broke into the Maria Red Cross Hospital in the Philippines, concentrating all 40 American nurses and 83 Filipino female workers on the grounds.At the order of the Japanese military officer, many soldiers rushed into the crowd like hungry tigers rushing at sheep, grabbed the women and stripped them naked, and carried out brutal and inhuman gang rapes in broad daylight. After Akira Muto and Fengfu Yamashita led the remnants to hide in Biguio Mountain, they did not walk out of the mountains until September 3, 1945, and surrendered to the U.S. military. Afterwards, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East listed him as a Class A war criminal for arrest and trial. On December 23, 1948, Akira Muto, together with Hideki Tojo, Matsui Iwane and other Class A war criminals, were executed by hanging, and got the devil's due. end.

Nakajima Konzago, Lieutenant General and Commander of the Sixteenth Division of the Japanese Invading Army, the principal culprit of the "Nanjing Massacre" and a Class B war criminal. Born in 1880 in Yamagata, Japan, Nakajima Kezago has successively served as an instructor of the Army University, commander of the Seventh Field Artillery Regiment, chief of staff of the Tokyo Fortress Command, commander of the Maizuru Fortress, and commander of the Tokyo Gendarmerie. In December 1937, Nakajima Kon Aso led his troops to invade Nanjing. In the "Nanjing Massacre", he was more than the butcher Tani Hisao.He is a cruel sensualist and a brutal sadist.In the city of Nanjing, he ravaged and raped Chinese women day and night. After satisfying his animal desires, he disemboweled and killed the women one by one.

After the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, Nakajima Imasago concurrently served as the Nanjing garrison commander.He was bloodthirsty and cruel, and ordered his subordinates to capture Chinese children and tie them to wooden posts, split their heads with a sharp axe, scoop out the steaming brains, and mix them with condiments to make "delicious delicacies" for him to enjoy .He also plundered Nanjing's cultural relics and antiques, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, and precious books. After signing and stamping with his seal, the plunder was transported back to Japan as private property.

Nakajima returned to Japan in 1944, and Japan surrendered in August of the following year.When the Allied Forces began to arrest war criminals, this heinous executioner knew that he had committed a serious crime and could not escape the law. Frightened by the power of the Allied Forces, he was worried all day long. Finally, on October 25th, he burst a cerebral blood vessel and died violently in his apartment in Tokyo. . As for Hatohiko Asaka, commander of the Shanghai Expeditionary Army who had issued the top-secret order to "kill all the prisoners", after MacArthur entered Japan, he took into account Japan's specific national conditions, in order to benefit Japan's domestic stability and post-war recovery and reconstruction. A policy of not holding the emperor accountable for war crimes.Chao Xianggong Jiuyan is from the royal family, so he was exempted from being held accountable.

In short, the vast majority of the culprits of the "Nanjing Massacre", except those who were tried by law after the war and sentenced to death, were either shot to death by the Chinese people, or died of serious crimes, sudden illnesses, and serious illnesses. There is an old Chinese saying: If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself.The Chinese have always believed that "evil is rewarded with evil, and good is rewarded with good". The shameful fate of the demons in the "Nanjing Massacre" fully confirmed and explained this long-standing human truth.
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