Home Categories Biographical memories The Mystery of Zhuge Liang's Growth

Chapter 2 Zhuge Liang is disabled

No matter it is or "Three Kingdoms", there is a very puzzling phenomenon: the image of Zhuge Liang is eight feet long, with a great appearance, and a feather fan scarf. Judging from our current aesthetic standards, it can be called romantic and suave. great husband.But it is this Shandong man who is more than 1.8 meters tall, who always appears on the battlefield in a four-wheeled vehicle (sometimes by boat).Reminiscent of Zhuge Liang's life habits that are not very active, "The Caotang has enough sleep in spring, and the sun is late outside the window", we can roughly infer that his legs and feet should be disabled.

How did Zhuge Liang's legs and feet become disabled?How did he overcome the pain psychologically and get out of the shadow of life brought about by disability?From the analysis of Zhuge Liang's experience in his youth, the most likely place where he broke his leg and foot was Taishan County.He was only 4 years old at the time, which was the time when he was active.Taishan County is located at the foot of Mount Tai, surrounded by rugged mountains, accidents are inevitable when playing. It is said that Zhuge Liang likes to climb Mount Tai with his father Zhuge Gui the most when he is not studying.His father asked him why he likes mountaineering, and he said: "The higher you stand, the farther you can see. If you see more things in your eyes, you will be happy in your heart."

There is such a story circulating in Mount Tai that Zhuge Liang broke his leg when he fell.It was after entering the Guyu solar term, there was a light rain on Mount Tai.As the saying goes, "spring rain is as expensive as oil".The teacher's family still has three acres of thin land, and he needs to plant seeds quickly, so he leaves homework for the children in the school and takes a day off. After finishing their homework, everyone greeted each other and ran to Baimashi Mountain near Mount Tai to play.This piece of mountains is full of ravines, turbulent streams, jagged rocks, deep forests and lush grass.The little friends climbed high and climbed hills, you chased me and ran, you hid and hid, bouncing and jumping, having fun and playing in the mountains and fields.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and the mountains and forests were already dark.Everyone's excitement was still unfinished, and they played the game of "big officials say, small officials fight, Zhang San runs, Li Si chases".The four children assigned roles, and Zhuge Liang became Li Si.He must chase Zhang San, catch Zhang San, and hand it over to the high officials, and he will be the winner.The person playing Zhang San was a big boy, half a head taller than Zhuge Liang, and ran away as soon as he saw Zhuge Liang was beside him.He screamed, climbed up the big tree for a while, hid himself among the thick branches and leaves, jumped down the mountain stream for a while, and jumped up and down lightly like a monkey.

Not to be outdone, Zhuge Liang tried his best to catch up. He suddenly found that his opponent ran along a path and hid in a pile of rocks under the stone steps.Zhang San thought he was hiding it well and no one could find him.But he didn't want to, Zhuge Liang hid behind a big tree above the steps and could see clearly.He used the big tree to hide his body, approached the steps, and suddenly, he jumped into the air and jumped down the mountain stream.He naively thought that as long as I jumped down, I would be able to jump on my opponent.Just when his feet landed, he lost his center of gravity, stepped on moss, staggered, and fell under a huge rock with a "bang".Zhuge Liang's feet hurt so much that he couldn't help but yelled, and passed out.

By this time it was already dark.Seeing that Zhuge Liang was gone, the children ran back to call the adults.Zhuge Gui led a dozen government servants up the mountain with torches to search for them.The silent mountains and forests erupted suddenly, echoing in the canyon.Dozens of people searched for the second half of the night, but there was still no trace of Zhuge Liang. At this time, the clouds were dense, the stars were gone, the wind was blowing up and down, and the rumbling and muffled thunder exploded above the head, and the pouring rain fell on the people in an instant.Some people said: "No, it's probably eaten by wild animals in the forest." Someone retorted: "If it is really killed by wild animals, it must leave some traces!"

Inadvertently, someone discovered that the lights were flickering in the valley not far away.A yamen servant who had been here once told Zhuge Gui that there is a Taoist temple over there, so you might as well ask the Taoist living there.While he was talking, he saw a red lantern slowly swimming towards them. A little Taoist boy came to the crowd with the lantern, followed by a hunting dog.The hound is the size of a calf and looks very ferocious.After saluting to everyone, Dao Tong asked: "Are you benefactors looking for a boy? He was rescued by my master. He has been diagnosed and treated for the injury. He must have injured the condyle of his foot. It is expected to be fine. "

The crowd came to the Taoist temple with the Taoist boy, and a Taoist who came forward was wearing a gray robe, a hat woven from thorns, and a pine-shaped crane bone. , holding a wooden bowl filled with rice wine in his hand, it seems that he is using rice wine to massage Zhuge Liang's wound.Zhuge Liang closed his eyes tightly and lay prone on the grass couch next to the Taoist, as if in a dream. Zhuge Gui cupped his hands in thanks and said: "On a stormy night, the Daoist temple was abrupt, and I was bothering the Taoist priest for my son. I don't know how to thank the Taoist priest for saving me."

"Where, where, the old way is not talented, the way is shallow, and the son's face is really rare. If there is a destiny in the future, the old way will accept him as a disciple and teach my family the scriptures." Zhuge Liang, who was lying on the straw couch, woke up at this time, and suddenly interjected: "The thunder is continuous, and the rain falls and the river overflows; the thunder comes first and then the wind blows, and the rain will not be fierce; the thunder king sings first, and the rain will not be so bad." There are many; if the thunder grinds, hailstones will surely occur."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised when they heard the words, saying that the child was fine. As the saying goes, "a hundred days of injury to the muscles and bones", but Zhuge Liang was young, how could he know how badly the bones and muscles were injured.He jumps around in the yard every day, leaning on the wall, and sometimes sneaks out to the street with a cane to play with the appointment of his friends.Due to excessive activity, the cracked condyle bone not only failed to recover, but grew deformed.After the doctor's consultation, the doctor said: "This child's feet are afraid that he will become disabled. He cannot walk without crutches."

Zhuge Liang was introverted and never talked much at ordinary times, so he couldn't help crying bitterly at this time.He thought, "What else can I do in the future, what use am I? I can't run, I can't jump, I can't even play games, I might as well die!" On the steps, she hugged her knees and said nothing. Although the fall was not life-threatening, it left Zhuge Liang with a lifelong disability.Of course, Zhuge Liang is not limping very badly, but at least it can be said with certainty that he can no longer walk much.The condyle of the foot is the place where the foot connects to the leg. Once injured, it is difficult to walk and stand for a long time.Zhuge Liang's habitual posture of sitting with his knees hugged is probably due to this reason. During the days of recuperating, Zhuge Liang not only tasted physical pain, but also experienced mental trauma.But it was a blessing in disguise, and became friends with Taoist Taishan and Xiaodaotong.Taishan Taoist came to check Zhuge Liang's injuries every now and then, diagnosed and treated his injuries, and then talked to Zhuge Liang about the scriptures alone.Zhuge Liang knew what is yin and what is yang; knew the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and had an initial understanding of Taoism.Zhuge Liang likes to play Go with Xiaodaotong very much. While thinking about the chess situation, he thinks about tactics and art of war. At night, Zhuge Liang supported his body with his hands, moved to the window, held the window lattice, and concentrated on looking for the Big Dipper, the Milky Way Cowherd and Vega, and the Taibaijin star.He looked at the stars in the sky and compared them with the meteorological proverbs he had collected: "When the moon is bowed, there will be wind; if the moon wears a ring, it will rain only three times." He observed the changes of the stars and the moon, and tried to predict the weather.Now, he has known dozens of stars.He already knew the positions of the twenty-eight constellations like the back of his hand.Among the twinkling stars and the boundless sky, Zhuge Liang found endless fun. The Taoist of Mount Tai also told him the story of Sun Bin, and comforted Zhuge Liang, saying: "With good legs and feet, you can run and jump, but a saint can become famous all over the world without running and jumping. Especially the generals who command the three armies don't have to charge personally, but can strategize, The decisive victory is thousands of miles away. Your legs and feet are inconvenient today, which does not prevent you from being a general in the future! You have not heard what Mencius said: "Heaven will send a great mission to the people. You must first suffer from your heart, your muscles and bones, your body and skin, and your emptiness." His body..." Zhuge Liang's slightly half-opened mouth was tightly closed, and his expression became serious. He began to think about the future and was full of longing for the future.Pessimism and disappointment are not because of the pain of the fall, but because of the bleak future.When he couldn't find the coordinates of life, melancholy and depression naturally followed.Once the direction of life and the goal of struggle are determined, motivation will arise spontaneously.This may be in line with the saying that "life is not smooth, and adversity makes the strong". Regardless of the historical authenticity of the above-mentioned legends, Zhuge Liang's relationship with Taoists seems to have begun from then on.When he grew up, he waved a feather fan in his hand and wore a Daoist cloak. Others believe that Zhuge Liang's legs and feet may be disabled because he went to the fields to transplant rice seedlings when he was farming in Longzhong, which caused his legs to suffer from dampness and cold.This possibility is unlikely, because Zhuge Liang was under the care of Liu Biao, Liu Qi and his father and son at that time, and there were dozens of acres of land under his command, which were cultivated by boys and servants, so it is unlikely that he himself would often go to the fields. If there is any other possibility of causing Zhuge Liang's disability in his legs and feet, it may be due to the two escapes he experienced when he was a teenager.One time he followed his father on his way from Yangdu to Huainan to find Zhuge Xuan in order to avoid being chased by Cao Jun; He and his younger brother Zhuge Jun fled to Jingzhou on the way to join Liu Biao.The whole story is described in detail in a book.
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