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Chapter 10 writing, it's as simple as that

if i were helen 张悉妮 7173Words 2018-03-16
 summer Haunted Beauty, Green Moon, Breeze and Wormwood frog lotus cicada deaf Singing from the branches you fool, can't you hear me who sings what Sprinkle mood stories on the net in summer It is the summer wind that can hold the treetops Can't hold my heart... Xia Tian live like this all summer... My mother and I stayed at home and read. Draw or learn to write. At that time, my father took the computer at home to Shenzhen to start a business, and I wrote with a pencil. I remember one time, I read the idiom story "There is no silver three hundred taels here", and found it very interesting, so I even picked up a pen to "tell the story".You know, as early as I was five years old, I was pouting on the bed and writing jingles about Monkey King learning from the master and his disciples, and I wrote them decently.

This time, then, is about the first time I've written a "fiction". However, I was 9 years old at that time, and I didn't know what a novel was!Just take a look at this little stuff I wrote crookedly with a pen for the first time——There is no silver three hundred taels here ——A new story 1 Once upon a time, there was a man named Ah Da. One day he earned three hundred taels of ingot. Fearing that someone would steal it, he buried the three hundred taels of ingot in the ground in his yard.After finishing it, he wanted to go home and sleep, but he was worried, so he found another wooden sign and wrote: "There is no silver three hundred taels here", and stuck it in the ground, and then he went back to sleep.

Ah Er next door saw it, saw the words written on the sign, and guessed that there must be silver in the field!So he took a hoe, dug away the silver, and wrote a sign cleverly: "The second neighbor never stole it" and so on. The next day Ada got up and found that his money had been stolen. He was furious, and saw Ah Er's sign again, so he took this sign to the government to file a complaint. As a result, of course, Ah Er was arrested and put in prison, and the money was returned to Ah Da. 2 Ever since Ah Er was imprisoned, he was very angry and determined to take revenge on Ah Da.

Two years later, Ah Er was released after serving his sentence. After he returned home, after much deliberation, he finally decided to disguise himself as an assassin in a dark and stormy night, kill Ah Da and get back the money. As night fell, Ah Er took a dagger, sneaked into Ah Da's house, closed the door and quietly came to Ah Da's bed, stabbed Ah Da in the chest, Ah Da screamed and passed out.Ah Er thought that Ah Da was dead, so he took the silver away.Another wooden sign was made, and it was written: "Ada has three hundred taels of silver, and the second neighbor never killed him."

Ah Da woke up the next day, endured the severe pain, and found the sign left by Ah Er, so he took it to the government to file a complaint.The senior official was furious after hearing the whole story, and ordered Ah Er to be arrested and waited on under severe torture. Ah Er couldn't bear it, so he had to confess.The official ordered Ah Er to write the wooden sign again, and sure enough, the handwriting was exactly the same.The senior official finally ordered: "Ah Er, I sentence you to serve three years in prison and serve in the army!" The high official then ordered his attendants to go to Ah Er's house to retrieve the three hundred taels of silver and return it to Ah Da. 3 It is said that three years after Ah Er was exiled to the army, there was no news at all.And Ada has been in business for three years, made a small fortune, bought a beautiful house, and married a beautiful daughter-in-law, Taohua.

One day, Ah Da heard that Ah Er had returned from the war. Because of his great achievements, the court made him a senior official.Ah Da sighed: "It seems that this is not a good omen!" When Ah Er came back from the war, he sent someone to arrest Ah Da. Ah Er personally ascended the hall, he slapped the gavel, and yelled at Ah Da viciously: "Ah Da! You have committed a heinous crime! There are three! First, you robbed me of three hundred taels of silver! Second , you occupied my house! Third, you robbed my daughter-in-law! Do you plead guilty?!" Ah Da argued that he had never done those things, so Ah Er ordered to hit Ah Da with a hundred slaps. Ah Da passed out, and Ah Er took his hand to press a fingerprint on the confession.

As a result, Ah Da was sentenced to six years in prison and exiled into the army.In this way, Ah Er usurped Ah Da's money, house, and Ah Da's daughter-in-law. 4 Ah Da's daughter-in-law is very loyal, and she has repeatedly disobeyed Ah Er. Ah Er became furious, beat Ah Da's daughter-in-law and threw her into the prison to stay with Ah Da.Later, Ah Da's daughter-in-law, Tao Hua, became pregnant, and Ah Er thought it was his own seed, so he took Ah Da's daughter-in-law back. This is how Ah Da's daughter-in-law secretly collected evidence of Ah Er's crime, and stole the sign, and then fled overnight and went to Beijing to file a complaint.

The emperor received Ah Da's daughter-in-law, and after hearing the reasons for Ah Da's injustice, he was furious and took Ah Er to the capital for trial. After many investigations, it was finally proved that Ah Er had indeed committed a crime, and the emperor ordered Ah Er to be dismissed from his official position. , Exiled three thousand miles.Later, because Ah Er bribed a high-ranking official, the sentence was commuted to six years in prison. Ah Da's injustice was finally brought to light, and Ah Da was able to return home. At this time, Ah Da's daughter-in-law had given birth to a white and fat boy, and Ah Da named him "A Da Er".Of course, this is just an outline, the original text has as many as 13 pages!

Stevenson once said: People who are new to writing will usually instinctively imitate the work they admire most, and then transform it with an amazing power of change.Even great writers have to go through years of practice before they can master all the fields that are crowded with words beside the road of thought. Although there were still many imitations in my writing at that time, this was indeed a leap in my life!  The children in your family, or yourself, probably know how to tell stories at a very young age, right? ! And I, you see, learned it for the first time at the age of 9!

Of course, with a pen! Some people are very eloquent all their lives, and refuse to write with a pen... And I first learned to "write" because of the inconvenience of listening and speaking—— Writing is my best form of self-expression! When I was 9 years old, hearing aids were an analog thing, put them on and you can't expect to hear speech clearly!However, I like to wear it - because I like the feeling of sound. If you lose your hearing due to high decibels, you will feel the presence of sound when you wear it - the world is chaotic; of course, you can also "close" your ears when you don't want to hear it...

This, people with normal hearing can never do it!Well, have you never had a quiet world? Without any sound, people would never use sound to convey information? ! Of course, this world is false. Homer, I heard, is an absolute top-notch "sound" expert. You see, he didn't use words, that is, he didn't use writing to sing "epic poems". This is said to be because the nomads had no tools to write at that time, that is, they lacked the medium of text transmission - trees or turtle bones - at that time papermaking had not yet been invented... However, Homer's epic is not at all inferior because it was not "written"! Behold—sing, goddess!Singing the wrath of Achilles son of Peleus— His wrath brought about this terrible disaster, which brought the Achaeans Inexhaustible suffering, the strong souls of many heroes into Hades, and threw their bodies, as delicacies, to Dogs and vultures, thus fulfilling the will of Zeus, From the beginning of a dispute, the two parties involved are Sons of Atreus, king of the people Agamemnon and great Achilles. Which god provoked this struggle between the two?Homer's epics and the "Odyssey", each of which is more than 10,000 lines long.There are 15,693 lines in total, and the Odyssey has 12,110 lines, and both volumes are divided into 24 volumes.At the beginning, these two epics were only oral literature compiled according to ancient legends, and the scattered chapters were handed down by musicians' recitation. If Homer had a real person, he was probably the professional musician who finally finalized these two epics. When Homer sang this poem, he was blind and deaf.But look, how beautiful and shocking the poems of his soul are! This is not only the West, but also the "sweet song of the ages" of mankind! Homer's approach is exactly the opposite of mine.That is to say, my writing uses words, but his writing uses language (sound); here, words and language, language and words, and the use of language are actually separated.In fact, most of the time, human beings use their own language in this way. Write, or use words, or use words.In our China, the ancient characters are the same as winzip.The compressed language is also due to the limitation of the text communication media. Materials such as silk and bone are limited in quantity and expensive. However, they are just as gorgeous and great!For example: Wine Desong Liu Ling There are adults and gentlemen who regard heaven and earth as one dynasty, ten thousand dynasties as a moment, the sun and the moon as a turmoil, and the eight wastelands as a court.Walking without track, living in a house without a house, sitting on the ground in the evening sky, whatever you want.When you stop, you use the goblet and goblet, when you move, you pull out the pot, but the wine is the job, so how do you know the rest? There is Mr. Guijie, a gentry and a scholar, who hears about me and discusses why.Nai Fen, with his sleeves in his sleeves and lapels in his hands, glaring and gnashing his teeth, spoke out about etiquette, right and wrong rose up.So Mr. Fang holds the poppy bearing trough, holds the cup and rinses the mash.Struggle with beards and skips, sleep on a pillow and make excuses, without thinking or worrying, it is very enjoyable.Suddenly drunk, suddenly awake.Hearing quietly does not hear the sound of thunder, does not see the shape of Mount Tai with familiar eyes, does not feel the muscle cutting of cold and heat, and the emotion of desire for profit.Looking down at all things, the disturbance is like duckweed for three years in the Jianghan Dynasty; the two giants wait on the side, like gnats and gnats.This, do you understand?If it weren't for your excellent knowledge of ancient prose, the decompression program in your head would automatically help, maybe it would be difficult to read, right? ! I say this because I want people to get out of a misunderstanding, that is - the mystery of writing!You see, a child with dysarthria can write as well as a child who speaks well can "speak" well!So, when someone reminded me later, "Don't be Zhong Yong", I laughed! Genius - I don't exist at all, and of course there is no such thing as disappearing!As someone said: I am sure my life will not be smooth and safe I'm ready for everything Waiting for all difficulties and setbacks to come My hands are itching to wait, really?  At that time, the composition written in school was definitely an exam-oriented composition. The teacher even read a model essay first, and then asked for it.You can’t have the slightest difference. The teacher even threatened the students: Otherwise, you won’t be given 1 point! So I remember once when I wrote "handkerchief", all the students wrote "first get a basin of water, then put the handkerchief in", and then "washed it twice", "put it in the sun" and "after a while". I just dried it"; I remember that in our composition, not only did all of our classmates wash the handkerchiefs that day, but they were all praised by their mother in the end: "You are such a good boy who loves to work!" I am the only exception, because I can write differently on the pretext of not being able to hear. I can't say enough about this way of learning to write! I remember one time, the teacher taught us to write "a small thing". A child of a migrant worker wrote a real thing: how did he cook a meal for his younger brother and himself when his parents went to work, but the teacher said A big red cross was made, and the comment: I don't know what you are talking about!I read that classmate’s composition, and it’s very true, although the expression is not good enough... I think such a thing is far better than those false stories that memorize the teacher’s "teaching" in class and repeat them all There are many more, such as "send the little brother (many classmates write about the blind brother) home in the rain"... Many students were unwilling to write essays later, and even never learned the basic writing skills all their lives. I think it was all caused by this teaching method.On the Internet, there have been many jokes about writing essays, some excerpts for everyone to see: 1.When I was in elementary school, I was very used to writing about good people and good deeds in my composition at that time.So people always write about finding money.So, in order to exaggerate his achievements, someone wrote that he picked up 100 million yuan in the park, all of which were ten yuan, and the thickness was as thick as a Chinese document (fourth grade). 2.The old lady took out four pieces of RMB with a face value of five hundred yuan. 3. "I have a classmate who is neither tall nor short. He is above 1.76 meters and below 1.78 meters... 4.The classic sentence, everyone has written: the weather today is really good, the sky is clear, and there are white clouds floating in the sky... 5.The elementary school teacher made a half-proposition composition: "My ×××" and wrote about people and things randomly. As a result, the composition topic of my class was "My comrade-in-arms Qiu Shaoyun". 6.When I was young, I wrote a diary, and the teacher stipulated that it should be more than 200 words. At that time, there were four people in a group, and the group leader checked the number of words. One of my friends in the same group wrote, "Today, my mother asked me to go out to buy vegetables, and I asked how much it is per catty. The vegetable seller said 5 points, and I said: "It's really cheap, it's really cheap, it's really cheap, it's really cheap..." The team leader counted and there were still 4 words, so my dear friend added another sentence at the end, "It's really cheap." . 7.The 100-meter sports meeting finally started, and the students ran out like wild dogs that had run loose. 8.Uncles of the People's Liberation Army crawled forward one by one, like green caterpillars wriggling on the ground. 9. "I died in the classroom due to illness..." "My younger brother has a new shaved head, like a little bald donkey in a temple..." 10.My teacher is a little fat, with a big head, big eyes, a big nose, and even a big mouth. ... The teacher is very kind to people. He wears a pair of color-changing glasses, just like a giant panda... 11. "A round of red sun reflects the morning sun... As primary school students in the new era, we know that Beijing is close to the capital..." 12.Do you remember when you were in elementary school?At that time, the teacher asked us to imitate this and write a composition about my mother... A classmate wrote it like this: My mother has a snow-white belly and bulging eyes... 13.I went for a walk with my dad this evening, and I suddenly said to my dad: "Dad, I have a bad feeling", but I was scolded by my dad... I wonder why Athena can say this to Saint Seiya If so, can't I tell Dad? 14. The content of "My Classmate" is roughly: Once I was sick, he gave me tutoring regardless of the weather.It rained cats and dogs that day, and it thundered again. I thought he would not come, but he came despite the rain... He died of a high fever the next day. I will always miss this good friend. 15.There is a reading question on the elementary school Chinese examination paper, to the effect that it tells the story of a mother who has suffered so much for her child and finally died.After reading, ask the students to say a few words from their hearts to their mothers on the Ching Ming Festival one year later.A primary school student wrote: "I wish my mother a happy Ching Ming Festival, good luck like the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan!" ... Although these wordings are somewhat exaggerated. However, it also reflects some disadvantages of our writing education. Even I am not immune.  I remember that there was a Chinese test where I was asked to write "a scene", and the teacher repeatedly told me that "the word 'I' cannot appear in these scenes, and if 'I' appears, I will get 0 points!" Since I couldn't understand her (the teacher spoke in vernacular) at all, I wrote the "scene" of "I" dancing rubber bands with everyone. As a result, Wang Qianzhou "sues" me to my mother, and my mother kicks me. That kick was really hard, and my stomach hurt immediately. My mother turned pale with fright. I remember that day, the weather was fine. My mother and I were digging wild yellow chrysanthemums by the small ditch at the head of the village. The breeze, the gurgling water, and the beautiful, swaying star-like small yellow chrysanthemums were scattered in the green of the wild grass. However, Wang Qianzhou came suddenly. I couldn't hear what they were saying, and when I was still in the dream of my beautiful chrysanthemum, I got kicked in the stomach for no reason. Fortunately, I hold back, However, this pain is deeply buried in my memory. I'm not holding grudges against my mother. However, this kind of education that takes exams and emphasizes scores really makes children and parents at a loss. My mother was originally open-minded, but why was she so angry because of a little score at that time? !Later, I communicated with my mother, and it turned out that my mother couldn't control herself because of one thing: that was my deafness and I couldn't hear the teacher's request!It turns out that no matter how strong a person is, there are times when they are extremely fragile! And this vulnerability, in this form of extreme vanity and anger, was directed at me, the innocent victim.From this, I often think: What kind of patience is needed for these deaf children who cannot accept language information well! Even a biological mother can't do it sometimes. So, what are we demanding of others? ! Only, silently bear. My tears are cold. My heart is cold without temperature. My mother has one principle, that is, she can play freely at ordinary times, and she must obey the requirements in the exam... Only in this way can she guarantee high scores and enter a higher school! However, I can't remember even if I die! These, in the later test-taking years, often affected my test scores. But I just don't change my mind! Later, I happened to watch "Shenzhen Youth" and saw the well-known host of Phoenix TV—A Yi from the Century Lecture Hall—describing his own exam, "crash, flipping through books in my head is like cheating", and never From the college entrance examination to the postgraduate entrance examination, "follow the same pattern", with green lights all the way. At this time, I understood my mother's painstaking efforts... But I still can't change it! My mother's kick did not wake up my memory, but made me think more stubbornly: what should education look like? ! Especially writing, these very personal arts, how should our schools teach them? ! Ah, I insisted on my stubbornness, so I learned how to write like today, right? !I persist in observing and thinking, I write with my hand, and speak with my heart. Oh, writing, it turns out to be that simple.I am not against memorization, sometimes rote memorization is necessary. But don't go to extremes in anything, right? ! I remember when my mother kicked me hard, even though my stomach hurt from the kick, Wang Qianzhou kept saying, "Sydney's composition is 0 points now..." Call me very shameless, but I still hold back tears. Later, it was very strange that my composition still got "first in the class", probably because the teacher had already forgotten the saying "you can't have 'I' in writing scenes". It's really ridiculous! Sima Qian said: "Collect the words of thousands of families and form the words of one family." I said, we have to learn writing from life. An old clerk said: "I have lived my whole life by writing sentences! Just because I can make sentences fluently..." That's right! From words to sentences, the conclusion of sentences into paragraphs, and the conclusion of paragraphs into articles... It seems that sentence making needs to be learned just like arithmetic. Word expression requires skill. As with drawing, creativity and skill are necessary. However, I still insist: creativity first. Look at the current Internet language, it is very vivid—— 1. I dare not say what you said. 2. "People are born by their mothers, and ghosts are born by their mothers." 3. Seven sufferings in life: Birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment and resentment, hurt and parting, not getting what you want, not getting what you want is the root of all suffering. 4. I think Qingshan is so charming, and Qingshan should be like this when he sees me. 5. A room with autumn lights, a court of autumn rain, and a cry of autumn geese.  Helen said: "In the spring of 1890, I began to learn to speak. I had a strong urge to make sounds very early. I used to put one hand on my throat and one hand on my lips and make some sounds. For any I am very interested in sound. When I hear cats barking and dogs barking, I like to touch their mouths with my hands. When someone sings, I like to touch their throat with my hand; Touch the keyboard with your hands. "I knew early on that people around me communicated in a different way than I did. Even before I knew that deaf people could learn to speak, I was starting to feel dissatisfied with my own communication methods. A person who relies entirely on sign language When communicating with others, there is always a feeling of being restrained and restricted. This feeling is becoming more and more unbearable to me, and I try to get rid of this restraint. I am often anxious like a bird flapping its wings vigorously. Move your lips, want to speak with your mouth..." If a deaf child desperately wants to speak words he has never heard before, if he wants to get out of the dead silent world, get rid of the life without love and warmth, without insects and birds, and without beautiful music, what will he do? He will never forget, when he uttered the first word, the feeling of ecstasy that flowed through his whole body like an electric current. "Only such people know how eagerly I talk to toys, stones, trees, birds, and animals that cannot speak; only such people know that when my sister can understand my greetings, those little ones What joy it brings to my heart when the dog obeys my commands!" Now I can not only speak in a language with wings like Helen, but also learn to write!Like Helen, I no longer need others to be my interpreters, and the convenience and excitement I get from this cannot be described in words!Now I can think, speak, and write at the same time, which I could never do with gestures before. Helen said: Only those who have taught deaf children to speak can understand what it means, and only they can understand what kind of difficulties I have to overcome! But in any case, learning to write and compose is definitely one of the greatest things in my life!  Chinese characters Chinese characters you and i know each other Who are you who am I our civilization Our culture Both originated from our Chinese characters someone said We start with Chinese characters We die in Chinese characters we love kanji we hate kanji We love Chinese characters We hate Chinese characters us us How much love and hatred How much love and hate Born here died in this each Chinese character All the blood of your ancestors and mine the sweat Essence Every Chinese character They are like pillars on the Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River in midstream mainstay on the side Say messy awful awful Miserable Chinese characters it is close to the gods Like the remaining snow on the pasture in the spring breeze Like the giant hand of the summer wind pulling out the seedlings like flames on the autumn wasteland like a soul wrapped in the winter wind it's near makino it backfires its close to the moors It wraps Cang Siyuan Chinese characters it comes from life good at development it spring seed Xia Chang autumn harvest winter storage spring hope Xia Chang hopes to burn the mood autumn harvest fruit Dongzang look forward to tomorrow's hope Chinese characters sometimes is a tyrant sneered at us we're notoriously restless The world goes from mess to real Chinese characters sometimes It's people's livelihood convention smile at us make us proud The world goes from reality to chaos sometimes sometimes something to do Something pictographic phonetic under the guise of understanding transfer Instruct The teacher is telling me wrong the teacher was wrong or am i wrong more than not only not to don't know Not worth Chinese characters its on a lonely bridge syllable Note let some steps walk by they tell ancient new Pictogram Pinyin contemplative kanji Undoubtedly a vast and eerie confluence Bright and Small Anatomy no resentment no sigh only one color water color a burst of shouting a threat roof ridge Boundless Chinese characters immortal It is the blood that stops decay Monument asserted in the tomb the remains are dead and we're starting rich world time amazing landscape Holding Chinese characters like a dagger engraved for Chinese characters die for kanji tirelessly Civilization Cultural bond play of words Look at Zhang Yang, Chinese characters not only reveal thoughts, they can also express emotions...or as it should be called-express emotions. Naturally revealed. If you have learned Chinese characters and understood my graffiti poem, then you may have learned to write like me. Learn to write. Fall in love with writing.
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