Home Categories romance novel At that time the moon was

Chapter 8 Chapter 8

At that time the moon was 匪我思存 11864Words 2018-03-16
laugh--" The point of the sharp western sword is just right on the opponent's left chest. As long as the wrist is slightly moved forward, it will pierce the thick protective clothing. The only audience on the sidelines slowly applauded.There was still no expression on his stern face, but there was still a hint of approval in his eyes. He took off his mask, straightened his messy hair, and smiled at his opponent who was cornered: "Ruoruo, you have lost to me nineteen times this year." The beauty looks good when she smiles! Ruoruo quickly took off the mask and feasted his eyes.She once joked that Qi Xiaoyin's charm is invincible in the world, this is not an exaggeration, even her precious nephew, who is only in kindergarten, will run to "beautiful Aunt Qi" whenever he sees "beautiful Aunt Qi", and get close to his chubby apple face. a kiss.

The way the beauty sweeps her hair looks so good! Ruoruo sighed.After getting acquainted with Qi Xiaoyin, she finally had some understanding of the past lords who "love beauty but not country"--the charm of the peerless beauty is really overwhelming!Because of her association with Qi Rongyin, she really saw a lot of all kinds of stinky men who bowed down under the skirt of the beauty Pomegranate.Maybe it's because I've seen them fascinated so much that I feel that all the men in the world seem to be hideous. "What are you thinking about?" Qi Xiao smiled subtly, took the towel from the waiter and wiped off the sweat from his forehead.

Ruoruo replied while wiping off her sweat, "I'm thinking of men in the world." Qi Xiaoyin pursed her cherry lips into a beautiful arc, and said calmly: "There are only two kinds of men in the world, one can be seen from a distance but not up close, and the other can be seen up close but not from a distance." He squinted at the stern man outside the field, She was full of charm, and her voice was like honey that could not be melted away, "Jing Wen, you belong to the latter!" Ruo Ruo's heart trembled when she heard that kind of charm. There was no expression on the stern face, but Ruoruo smiled: "He Mutou, no matter how much you tease him, he is just a piece of wood, but his style is popular these days, and he has a lot of girls who like him." Sip Sipping the cold and refreshing lemon tea, I suddenly remembered, "You said that He Mumu is the latter, so can you give me an example of the former?"

"Of course you can." Qi Xiaoyin stretched his body lazily, with a graceful posture like a blooming orchid, and said without thinking, "For example, my ex-husband Fu Yannan is just the kind of man who can be seen from a distance but not close up." Ruoruo asked with a smile, "Why did you suddenly think of him?" Qi Meiren had an "innocent" smile on her face, and there was also a hint of stubbornness in her tone: "Because he is a news figure recently." Stretching out her slender catkin like jade, she picked up a weekly gossip magazine on the table, Seriously, he read the provocative headline on the headline, "Diamond King and Fifth is about to marry his son." He counted with a smile, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Well, this is the seventh after the divorce. The woman who said she was going to marry him."

Ruoruo yawned: "This woman must really marry successfully, otherwise it will be disappointing again." He Jingwen, who had been as still as still water, suddenly uttered a sentence from his thin lips: "Impossible." "What?" Ruo Ruo made a fuss: "What did you say is impossible?!" "Marriage." The simple and shocking answer was in line with his usual style. "Why?" Ruo Ruo asked with great interest. "Any woman can't shake him." His indifferent eyes swept across the beautiful face near the side, "Including Xiao Yin."

There was a trace of strangeness in Qi Xiaoyin's bright eyes, and she said lightly: "Me? I am the only partner he actively pursued and swore in front of the altar to love for life." "Ex-wife." The understatement aroused the beauty's pride, but she asked calmly, "How big is the bet?" He Jingwen raised his index finger: "One dollar." Qi Xiaoyin swept up her chaotic temple hair, her smile was like a lotus in clear water, and she asked loudly, "A gentleman?" "Come on!" be cheated!She clearly saw the imperceptible smugness flashing across He Jingwen's eyes.She was so annoyed that she wanted to bite off the tip of her tongue, what stupid thing did she do - she said herself just now, Fu Yannan can see from a distance but can't get up close, only she knows - she was fooled by He Jingwen!

To be stared at by a beautiful woman's scissored eyes is one of the most beautiful blessings, He Jingwen thought leisurely. It has been raining continuously for two weeks. This year's autumn has been lingering in wet and cold weather, and there has never been a good day of sunshine.I was so tired that my mood was low. Cheng Yuxiang glanced at the boss's face. The director of the Asian market was talking about the company's performance, and the boss seemed to be listening intently. But——Cheng Yuxiang bet based on his four years of secretary experience that the boss's mood has fallen to the bottom right now, and he has no interest in the director's report at all.

However, it would be a big mistake to say that he didn't listen to a word of the report. One of his best tricks is to do two things at once. Sure enough, the marketing director accidentally said "3% market share" into "30% market share" by mistake.Before he could change his words, the wandering boss had keenly sensed his mistake, and gently interrupted his report: "Oh? Is it that high?" The poor director stammered: "Yes... sorry, Mr. Fu, it's 3%. I said it wrong." Fu Yannan nodded, motioning for him to continue the unfinished report, and leaned straight on the back of the comfortable chair, trying to find a more relaxed angle to rest his aching head.

The boss is not quite right today! --The senior executives in the conference room were vaguely aware of it. Fu Yannan is not a person who shows emotions of anger and anger. People who are new to him are easily confused by his gentle and elegant appearance, and take his bookish gentleness as weakness and deception, thinking that he is just a rich boy who is lucky enough to monopolize his family property. Hehe, treat a leopard that dominates the world as a sick cat with no ability to defend itself... Cheng Yuxiang sympathizes with those idiots who have no bones left, their brains must be full of mud: Fu Yannan has been sitting on the chairman of Yongshi for five years, and a group of old guys in the board of directors all bow their heads to him, The company's annual profit ranks first among the top ten companies for several consecutive years.How can the word "good luck" explain all of this?

But—something was wrong, something was very wrong.If Fu Yannan's emotions have been exposed enough to be noticed by others, it means that the matter has gone beyond his control. Just look at the world today, except for natural disasters and man-made disasters that he can't do anything about, he can literally turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.Not only can he cover the sky with one hand in the business world, but even those politicians, who would not give him a three-point face? Cheng Yuxiang knew.Fu Yannan, who was born as the proud son of heaven, although he lost his father in infancy, his wealth seems to make up for the sorrow of losing his father when he was young. In his hands, his life seemed to be admired by all, so perfect that it was almost impeccable.

just almost. If you don't count his marriage. As we all know, Fu Yannan, who was ranked first on the list of golden bachelors three years ago, married the beautiful woman Qi Xiaoyin, and broke many glass hearts that dreamed of flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.The grand wedding of the two in the church that year made the media talk about it for more than two months. In comparison, the life of the two after marriage is kept secret to the outside world. In the past three years, there are only a handful of photos of the two of them getting married, and most of them are candid photos taken from a long distance with a telephoto lens. very clear. Of course, there are exceptions. Six months ago, the reporter successfully took a close-up photo of the two of them in a members-only club. This was the only clear photo of the group. Once again, there was an uproar, and large and small media flocked to it. In the photo, Qi Xiaoyin angrily reprimanded Fu Yannan, and his body language said everything 100%.Fu Yannan, who usually faces the camera calmly and elegantly, frowned helplessly and turned her head coldly to look out the window, as if she had become numb and tired of such quarrels. However, the all-pervasive reporter sneaked a photo of Qi Yuyin embracing a mysterious man at the entrance of another PUB on the second night. The two photos were reprinted by various newspapers and weekly magazines. Two weeks after the two photos were released to the public, the spokesperson of Yongshi officially announced the news that Fu Yannan and his wife Qi Xiaoyin had signed a divorce agreement. Fu Yannan returned to the top of the list of golden bachelors, rekindling countless Cinderella's hope of marrying into a wealthy family.First, the popular movie star hinted to the reporter that he was in a relationship with Fu Yannan, and then the rookie in the music industry claimed that Fu Yannan was pursuing him.But Qi Xiaoyin quickly disappeared. Even after marrying Fu Yannan, she seldom appeared in the public eye, so in just a few months, she was forgotten by various media and disappeared from the social circle. Perhaps it was the three years of married life that made both parties feel too unbearable to look back on. Probably because I grew up in a single-parent family, so I had too high expectations for marriage, but it backfired. His best friend Ren Junyuan said in a tone of hatred: "You are still criticizing yourself. The one who should criticize should be that woman, okay?" It can be seen that all relatives and friends have a bad impression of Qi Xiaoyin. "She just doesn't understand human affairs very well," he explained. Ren Junyuan stared at him for half a minute, and finally said in frustration: "Boss, I'm convinced." Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, her wife may not be regarded as a dedicated wife. She never attends the monthly family gatherings, let alone accompany her on social occasions. She must watch fashion shows in Paris in spring and ski in Australia in summer. , will temporarily live in Canada in the fall, and will stay in Hawaii in the winter, and he will pay hundreds of thousands or even millions of credit card bills every month.Because she likes to collect antique jewelry, the money spent on it in the past three years is countless. She just smiled brightly at the matter: "You earn more than enough to cover these expenses, don't you?" And he just nodded. He is too busy, and it is common for him to work overtime until the early hours of the morning. Due to business reasons, he has to fly seven or eight times a month to foreign countries, get together less and leave more, even if he can't give her too much time, there must be a way for her to relieve her loneliness .Therefore, the relationship between husband and wife will gradually weaken or even deteriorate. He is not used to arguments, and every time Qi Xiaoyin complains, he usually chooses to walk away.Being photographed by the reporter in the restaurant that day was purely accidental, but this trigger eventually led to the end of the marriage.After the news came out, there was an uproar among relatives and friends. He returned to the ancestral house to visit his mother, and his mother said casually, "It's better not to force it anymore." The mother has always hoped to have several grandchildren to make the family lively. The three generations living together happily is what she hopes to see most, but Qi Yuyin has no intention of this at all.His widowed mother single-handedly brought him up, so he had to pay attention to his mother's feelings, let alone the family's image.What's more, the two of them really didn't have the patience to maintain this marriage. If the three years of married life have exhausted the relationship between the two, then his wish at the time of the divorce was: hope that the two of them can start their own lives again from now on.But when he received the doctor's call in the morning, his mood was complicated in an instant. Qi Xiaoyin is an orphan and has no other relatives. In this world, the person closest to her is even his ex-husband. After the meeting, when he returned to the office, he told Cheng Yuxiang: "Set aside an hour for the afternoon schedule, and I made an impromptu appointment with Dr. Zhang at 3:30." Cheng Yuxiang immediately adjusted the existing business arrangements, and then reminded him: "Mr. Fu, in this afternoon's itinerary, the appointment with Mr. Dole cannot be postponed, so you only have about forty minutes to meet with that Dr. Zhang." He nodded, indicating that he understood. His head was still aching, and in the complicated business that had to be dealt with afterwards, he realized that he was actually restless.Finally, he finally pushed away those documents, left the desk, stood in front of the window, and lit a cigarette.I didn't suck it, I just held it between my fingers and let it burn out slowly. He almost never smokes, and he almost has the perseverance and perseverance to quit any bad habit. When he saw Qi Xiaoyin for the first time, he thought he could remain indifferent, although she is really beautiful, the so-called beauty, people who have seen her are always amazed by her beauty.What's more, she was so free and lively at that time, like a rose, just blooming, delicate and dazzling.For that kind of rich and colorful flowers, he has always kept a respectful distance. It was only by chance that their short-lived marriage was achieved. At 3:30, the secretary dialed the inside line on time: "Mr. Fu, Dr. Zhang is here." He stubbed out the last cigarette. When he saw the doctor, he only asked: "What is the best treatment plan at present?" That doctor Zhang shook his head: "Mr. Fu, you know, there are no miracles in this world. According to the patient information, she is an orphan and has no blood relatives. In this case, it will be more difficult to find a matching bone marrow than others." After sending the doctor away, he made several phone calls to Qi Xiaoyin, but he was never in the service area.He smiled bitterly, as if before the divorce, he would never be able to get through to her on the phone.I had to leave a message in the voicemail: "Xiao Yin? This is Fu Yannan. If you have time, can we have a meal together?" After hanging up the phone, the headache seemed to come back faintly. Even an ordinary friend would be very sad to hear such news. Although they were not related, they were always a couple. There is an important business banquet in the evening, and it is natural to list delicacies from mountains and seas, but the food is tasteless.In the end, he drank too much alcohol and felt uncomfortable after getting out of the car. When the car drove halfway up the mountain, he finally asked the driver to stop. The night was very quiet, and the night wind was gentle, blowing across people's faces.He looked back at the foot of the mountain, the world of mortals was ten feet away, and the lights of thousands of families were like a sea of ​​light, and like thousands of stars, distant and brilliant. The wind was blowing slowly, and he felt a lot clearer.On the private road, the driveway is as quiet as a wilderness, with only two headlight beams shining lonely, attracting many bugs to bump into them.The rain didn't stop until dusk, and there was still a warm smell of green grass in the air.He suddenly thought of that night in late spring a few years ago, which was also such a beautiful night. Those acquaintances came and went at the reception. After socializing, he walked to the rattan flower stand and took a deep breath. .The air is fragrant and sweet, with a rich aroma. Across the waterfall-like wisteria flowers, one can see the extremely beautiful silhouette, as if it were a painting drawn with meticulous brushwork.She turned her face and smiled at him through countless flowers and leaves. Suddenly, I remembered a movie from many years ago, "Romeo and Juliet". Through the glass aquarium, the young Romeo suddenly saw a pure smile, and countless small tropical fish swimming between them, colorful, And there are white wings behind her, like an angel. She said, "Hello." He also said, "Hello." The music of the band in the distance was playing in the distance, the first dance music that night, she suddenly asked him seriously: "Sir, can I ask you to dance?" He had never seen such beautiful eyes, as if there were starlight and flower shadows, and the floating eyes were touching. He said, "Of course." It is a soothing and smooth waltz, with flowers and trees separating the noisy music and the crowd. Under the starlight, there are only two of them dancing in the shade of the bright flowers. The night was so beautiful that night, as if the brilliance of the stars flowed in my heart. When I got home, perhaps because of the alcohol, I fell asleep soon after taking a shower. Waking up by a phone call in the middle of the night, it took several seconds to realize that it was the phone left on the bedside table, thinking it was business, and hurriedly answered it, but it was Qi Yuyin: "Mr. Fu?" He suddenly heard her voice, as if it was far away, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart for some reason.He casually agreed, and felt that such a title was ridiculous. She said: "I went to the mountains, where the network is not good, so I haven't heard your message. I'm sorry to call you so late, but I think you are usually still awake at this time, so I took the liberty to call you back." Telephone." "It's okay, I just got home too," he said. Unexpectedly, after the divorce, the two could have such a polite conversation. Perhaps feeling apologetic, she explained to him: "My friend and I went to the elementary school in the mountains, because there were almost no textbooks and only one teacher, so we delayed a long time during the day to be with the children." He was a little surprised.In her memory, she has never been keen on any charity. Although the entire Yongshi Group donates countless charitable funds in various names every year, she has never attended any charity show.It's just that there was an unconcealable tiredness in her voice, which made him suddenly think of what Dr. Zhang said, and couldn't help but say: "You must be very tired today, do you have time tomorrow? Let's meet somewhere." The next day we made an appointment at a restaurant at noon. When Fu Yannan arrived, Qi Xiaoyin had already been waiting for a long time. He said, "There was a sudden situation in Japan. I'm really sorry that I'm late." She smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, I just arrived too." We met for the first time after the divorce, but both felt relaxed, as if we were friends. He said, "How's the situation in the mountains?" One sentence aroused her interest in talking, and she told him all about the situation in the mountain primary school.He has never seen her like this before. She is both calm and compassionate. When talking about those children in the mountains, there is also a kind of cherishment and excitement. There is a strange look in her eyes, as if returning to the night when she first met, countless stars reflected In her eyes, the light is bright. She really became another person, a Qi Xiaoyin he didn't know and didn't understand.She told about the hard work of the farmhouse in the mountains and the happiness in the mountains, but he just listened carefully and smiled in return. Because it was a top-notch restaurant, she was wearing a luxurious half dress, sleeveless, and most of her snow-white arms were exposed, as if exquisitely carved from ivory.But below the elbows, there are a few small red spots, because her complexion is as white as fat, it looks particularly eye-catching, as if splashed with a few cinnabar.Noticing his gaze, her face suddenly flushed slightly: "Mosquito bites, there are mosquitoes in the mountains." He said, "Xiao Yin, you are not the same as before." She smiled and turned her face sideways, with long pearl earrings under her ears, her whole body was also like pearls, shining softly, she said: "I used to be Mrs. Fu, but now I am Qi Yuyin, of course it is different." As Mrs. Fu, perhaps there were many pressures that he didn't realize. Her whole person seemed to have taken off the shackles and looked brand new. He also smiled: "Anyway, we are still friends." He did not mention Dr. Zhang to her.When I returned to the office in the afternoon, I just told Cheng Yuxiang: "If Ms. Qi calls, please call directly to my office." During the three years of marriage, Qi Xiaoyin made only a handful of phone calls to the company.But Cheng Yuxiang agreed to the sudden order from the boss without changing his face.Not long after, the whole secretarial office realized the subtlety of the situation, because Qi Xiaoyin actually called. This was an unprecedented phenomenon in more than three years, but it appeared after the boss divorced her. So when Fu Yannan had to attend an important reception, Cheng Yuxiang reminded him without hesitation: "This reception of the General Chamber of Commerce requires a companion, Mr. Fu, do you think you can call Miss Qi?" Fu Yannan thought that Qi Rongyin would not agree, but she did not expect that she would readily agree: "It's because you just donated a large sum of money to the elementary school." He didn't go into the motivation of the donation.Maybe it was because she was so focused and happy, or maybe it was just because donations can be deducted from taxes, or even, he felt that he was just a whim. When she mentioned Qian, she was always excited, and Fu Yannan couldn't understand this excitement—in fact, the divorce agreement was very beneficial to her. The monthly alimony she received was huge. Even after the divorce, she still holds a certain percentage of shares. She is not short of money at all. After the divorce, he gradually realized that he didn't know her well.She's reserved, even enigmatic, in some ways. The ball was as boring as ever, but the appearance of the two of them caused quite a stir.A group of business bigwigs who are familiar with each other have already practiced the demeanor of not changing the face of Taishan collapse. He couldn't hold his breath, and looked like his eyeballs were about to fall out. Fu Yannan had expected such a reaction. Recently, he was involved in scandals and needed an official girlfriend to accompany him in public, so as to set the record straight.He had considered choosing a suitable candidate from his family friends, but in the end when Cheng Yuxiang mentioned Xiao Yin, he suddenly changed his mind and invited her to be his girlfriend tonight. This kind of rich and powerful night banquet is the most boring. The men drink and chat about current affairs, while the female companions are only responsible for beauty. Qi Xiaoyin is undoubtedly the focus of the audience, shining brightly.In fact, she is just wearing a simple black evening dress, with silver tassels several inches wide at the waist, and countless extremely thin silver threads and rhinestones, which outlines a beautiful body line. She looks like a mermaid brought ashore by a prince Come.Standing with Fu Yannan, almost grabbed everyone's attention.Someone was whispering, and when she heard the word "going down", she pretended not to hear it. Fu Yannan socialized for a while, talking about current affairs, business, chatting about the world, no matter how interesting the topic was, after chewing it a hundred times, it was already tasteless.And the band has played several dance songs.With the fragrance of clothes on the temples, the bustling scene like a dream, across the clear champagne tower, she suddenly smiled mischievously at him from a distance. He walked around the crystal glass tower, and she was behind the crystal glass tower, half of the light was on her face, and the other half was the reflection of the champagne tower.She was too close to him, blowing like blue, every word, gently drilled into her ears: "It's too boring here, why don't we run away." This unbelievable proposal brushed his heart like a light and clean feather, and he never thought that he could leave—even if the banquet was boring, such a thing, he had never thought of it, like a kind of unorthodox pleasure, He actually nodded. Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, the two left the luxurious open-air banquet hall, and quietly went out through the side door of the garden. Just when they saw the small iron gate, she was already like a child doing bad things, and she couldn't help laughing. He was afraid that his master would find out , even more afraid of being discovered by the reporters, reminded her in a low voice: "Don't laugh." She couldn't help shaking all over her body, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.Before he had time to think about it, he grabbed her hand and ran out all the way. Just after two steps, she said: "Wait a minute." She hurriedly took off her high heels, her feet were on the ground, jade white as snow, he Suddenly felt embarrassed, as if she had never seen her barefoot.She had already grabbed the shoe with one hand, and held his hand again with the other. The two of them rushed down the winding mountain road like children.The sound of answering footsteps is like a heartbeat. On the flat and winding private road, the orange street lights illuminate the asphalt road, reflecting the shadows of him and her. Holding hands, they are like a pair of children playing truant. She laughs while running, like a string of silver. The bell, clear and crisp, shatters the night. They actually escaped from the banquet. I don't know if this incident will become the biggest joke in the social world this year. The two ran down the mountain road, and she finally broke free from his hand, stood there bent over, breathless, panting while laughing: "Hey...hey...you are really...I...I can't I can't... I can't..." He squatted down and gasped for breath, his heart sank suddenly, thinking of her illness, he squatted down immediately: "Are you okay?" He stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and suddenly found his His hands were shaking slightly.She squatted there panting for a while, and finally came to her senses, weakly: "It's okay." Suddenly raised his head and smiled brightly: "Oh, there are no taxis here, we have to walk down the mountain?" They were really forced to walk down the mountain and walked all the way to the city. Fu Yannan had never traveled such a long distance in his life, and he never thought that Qi Yuyin was so unsqueamish. He was a big man whose legs were sore from walking, but she pulled him all the way. From time to time, he would happily tell a joke with his hand, like a child going out for an outing, full of interest. It was already late at night, and there was no one in the city square. The two were exhausted from walking, and Xiao Yin was about to sit down on the marble steps, but he held her back: "Wait a minute." He took out a handkerchief, spread it carefully, Only let her sit down. The neon lights on the streets on all sides are flickering lonely, the city is gradually falling asleep, and the stars in the sky, one in the east and one in the west, are blurred and hazy.The two sat side by side, neither seemed to want to think about anything. She said: "It's a bit cold." She jumped down the steps, like a child, and stepped on those floor lamps playfully.Humming intermittent lyrics, he listened to it for a long time before he heard that she sang a nursery rhyme: "The sky is dark, the rain does not fall..." The monotonous and beautiful tune, repeating pure happiness, was hummed softly by her. Singing, it seems to be ironing on the heart, unfolding the heart smoothly and comfortably. She kicked something suddenly, and there was an ouch, but before he could react, countless jets of water rose into the air, splashing open the fan.The water droplets, like shattered rain and silver flakes, splashed in all directions, and as she stepped in the water, more water jets were spraying up.She screamed and hid while laughing. In the sound of rushing water, one peak was not leveled and another peak rose again. She was just shocked and laughed, but was surrounded by water jets, and there was no way to escape. It turned out that what she kicked just now turned out to be the switch of the fountain in the square. He was startled at first, and then laughed. Laughing loudly, he rushed into the water curtain array, trying to snatch her out.Both of them were drenched from head to toe, and countless drops of water were dripping down the corners of her hair and clothes, but she held his hand, the sound of rushing water was everywhere, and the cool mist sprayed On their bodies, they were trapped in the water all over the sky, and the vigorous water column and water curtain surrounded them in the center.And her eyes were brighter than the most crystal water drop, he suddenly felt like a piece of ice, melting rapidly in the torrent of water spray, everything hard and not soft, quickly melted and disappeared, he suddenly He leaned over and kissed her. His eyes were like the sea under the deepest night, with a dark blue light, she actually felt her heart pounding, wondering if she was guilty of guilt. The only thing I feel is that I don't hate this kiss, it's an unfamiliar but familiar kiss. But there was only the sound of water in the ears, and the nozzles turned the direction of the water curtain "puff" and poured it on them over and over again. Behind them was the largest water column, with peaks higher than peaks, spraying out the most brilliant water peaks. Ruoruo took a deep breath: "You... you guys are progressing too fast, right?" Qi Xiaoyin shrugged her shoulders: "Old husband and wife, do you still want to play guessing and guessing? I kissed and kissed, and I didn't suffer." Ruoruo murmured: "Yes, the person I kissed was Fu Yannan, the president of Yongshi, who is a handsome man. Although he is your ex-husband, you can't be considered a loser no matter what." Then he said, "It seems that He Mutou really lost that dollar. deal." Qi Xiaoyin also seemed to have a plan in his chest: "He will definitely propose to me, so don't worry." So sure - God only knows... But Fu Yannan has obviously fallen back into her affection for her. He has a clear goal, and once he recognizes the facts, he will go all out.He began to face up to his affection for her, and tried to spend more time with her. Qi Xiao had a faint sense of guilt, because he knew his personality and would never ignore her illness, so he took advantage of his generosity. Because of the stipulations of the bet, Fu Yannan must propose to her again before she can be considered a complete winner. For this reason, she racked her brains to create a suitable occasion and atmosphere. Ruoruo kept laughing at her: "If I knew today, why bother regretting it?" Just kidding, marrying a rich man, then getting divorced, and living a happy life with a huge amount of alimony is her life goal since she was a child.It's so easy to achieve, how can you regret it? I just regret that I should have fallen into He Jingwen's trap and stepped into the quagmire again--Fu Yannan looks gentle and calm, but is actually very sensitive. If he finds out the truth, I'm afraid the consequences will be dire.Although she married him once and lived together for three years, there were almost no occasions when she was angry with him. So she felt terrible. Fortunately, everything went well, and he had no suspicions about her.He went on a business trip to Japan, and finally told his secretary to book an extra ticket. "After finishing the official business, I can spare two days to accompany you to Hakone for a walk." His eyes were gentle. Hakone is where they spent their first honeymoon. Hakone in autumn has a unique beauty compared to spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.The red dotted with maple leaves is thicker than fire, the quiet blue of Luhu Lake, and the snow-capped Mount Fuji in the reflection is picturesque. At dusk, they took the cable car down the mountain to return to the hot spring hotel.The setting sun seems to be lingering, the shadow of the mountain is indigo, while the sky is blue and the color is gradually getting richer. Everything is so beautiful that it takes one's breath away. While looking at the scenery, the cable car suddenly stopped and stopped.After a while, I heard the radio saying that the cable car was temporarily out of service due to an electrical failure and was being repaired.Long and slow Japanese, just repeated apologies over and over again, and then broadcast it again in English. Being hung in the sky like this is also a strange experience.Fortunately, the scenery is extremely beautiful. Looking around the beautiful scenery, I don't think this little accident is disappointing. The sky was getting darker and darker, and the huge outline of Mount Fuji had long been blurred, and only the whistling wind could be heard outside the car window, which became more and more sharp because of the silence. Qi Xiaoyin felt cold, Fu Yannan had already taken off her coat and put it on for her.It was very warm, and there was his breath on the clothes, a faint smell of shaving water. The cable car was still hanging in mid-air, motionless.For some reason, Qi Rongyin became a little worried. In fact, she has a slight fear of heights, especially in unfamiliar high places, and she will feel scared. Now the surroundings are pitch black, and she instinctively clutches his hand tightly, not daring to move. He said: "Sitting like this is too boring, why don't you teach me how to sing." He just wanted her to relax a bit, so she forced a smile, "Okay, what are you going to sing?" He said, "The sky is dark." "Such a child's song." He said: "I like it very much. I never heard it when I was a child." She laughed and said, "Of course, children from rich families have never heard such nursery rhymes. How happy they are." He smiled lightly: "Children from rich families are not necessarily happy." Night is like thick juice, drowning people safely. She said: "How can you be unhappy, with money, you can buy anything." "You can't buy happiness," he said. "But I'm happier than having no money." Her voice was low, as if she was about to fall asleep. "When I was in the orphanage, I had nothing. I tried my best to make Mammy like me. I knew it from a young age. , how difficult it is to please people--when I have money, I will treat myself well, not to please anyone, and to live only for myself." His face was hidden in the darkness, so she couldn't see anything, she smiled: "A kid from a rich family, what are you thinking?" He didn't speak for a long time, and she was really about to fall asleep, when she suddenly heard him say: "With money, you will never know whether a person is really good to you, or because of money. My father Passed away very early, and when I was young, my mother was in charge of the company. She was always so busy that I could only see her once in a long time. When I was seven years old, I was taken by my nanny and went to a boarding school abroad. One night, I couldn't sleep at all, and I kept thinking, if I can exchange money for my parents, then I can exchange all my wealth." His voice was flat, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. Who would know the loneliness of the proud son of heaven. She rested her head on his shoulder and really fell asleep. He didn't move, her hair exuded a fragrance, she fell asleep, leaning on him, wholeheartedly, only him, in this empty high sky, at this moment, only him. He also closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. When she woke up, the cable car was already sliding, and she was covered with his clothes, sleeping very warmly.There was only one orange light on the top of the cable car, illuminating his face, and his profile was watching her tenderly. She felt for a moment that she hadn't woken up yet. "Xiao Yin, I never knew what you wanted, you left, but came back again." His voice is still calm: "If you just want money, or encounter difficulties, you can tell me bluntly, you know I will not be stingy, but you use such means to deceive me, I feel that I can no longer be with you Be friendly." Even in the midst of his rage, he was still so calm and calm. The cultivation of the family's children for many years made her feel that she could not resist his sharpness. She couldn't lie to him for long, as a businessman, he was much smarter than she imagined. Her voice was also tranquil: "Don't worry, I know what I want, and I will satisfy you." Romantic Hakone is as poetic as it is picturesque, and it is also soul-stirring to end love here.She finally understood why he brought himself to Hakone.That's because he already knew he had fabricated his condition. They are two people who are too stingy, and they instinctively protect themselves. Even if there is a little superficial feeling, it has long been blown away in the cold night wind. It's better to end. "I will marry a rich man in the future." The little girl clenched her fists. The same childish Ruoruo said: "It's very troublesome to marry a rich man, and if he doesn't love you, he will treat you badly. Even if he loves you, it's only because you are beautiful. When you get old, he will treat you badly." Don't like you anymore." She said: "If he doesn't love me, I can get a lot of money if I divorce him. If he loves me, I will leave him before I grow old and let him remember me forever." He is so proud that he will not tolerate emotional blemishes.他对任何人都好,可是都不会接近,因为他保持着一个安全的距离,将自己放逐在这个世界之外。 就如同,她一样。 他们其实很相似,总是以表相来欺骗所有的人,然后,独自守着自己的寂寞。 她已经决定离开,输掉一块钱,是件太没面子的事情,好在她有很多很多的钱,出国长住一段时间,或许能让她快乐。 自从老板从日本回来,程雨缃就觉得有些微的不妙。 公事上,一切仍旧井井有条,老板处理问题向来敏捷,即使天大的乱子到了他手下,都可以顺利摆平。 但是偶尔,在某一个刹那,他的神色会有一丝恍惚,整个人仿佛是在另一个世界里,隔着一层坚冰,冷冷地,隔着。 征信社没有接获停止调查的指示,所以每天依旧会送上最详尽的资料来。厚厚的照片附上行程表,祁绡隐办理了签证,祁绡隐订下机票,祁绡隐与朋友聚会,祁绡隐购买旅行用品。 征信社用来装照片资料的纸袋放在桌上,没有人动,日复一日,摞得高了,有天程雨缃找一份资料,结果不小心碰到,哗啦一声全垮了下来。 几百张照片散了一地,程雨缃觉得无力,蹲下来一张张拾,忽然横过来一只手,拾起一张照片。捏在手里,那样美,即使是照片,也会令人觉得艳光四射,乌黑的眸子似有水意,仿佛要透出相纸来。 程雨缃低头捡照片,自言自语:"我从来没有见过比她更美的女人。" 他的声音平静缓和:"越美丽的东西越有毒,比如蘑菇,吃下去就会出事。" 程雨缃说:"苹果橙子樱桃样样都美丽,维他命丰富,味道又好,谁不爱吃?" He didn't make a sound. "这世上哪个男人会放走她,真是笨蛋。"不顾大老板在身后皱起眉头,她继续自言自语,"既然心动就不要放过,符先生总是教我,令我们心动的,肯定是我们不能轻易放弃的。喜欢就要争取,自欺欺人又是何苦来哉?" 他不能不出声:"程秘书。" 她仿佛这才知道他在自己身后,转过来毕恭毕敬:"符先生,您有什么吩咐?" 一句话在他舌尖上打个滚,最后终于说:"把企划部的资料拿来给我。" 她从桌上找到资料,双手奉上:"祁小姐今天下午的航班飞往普罗旺斯,而您近期内的日程安排比较紧张,是绝对抽不出时间出国的。所以如果您要改变主意,现在赶往机场还来得及。" 他忍住一口气:"程小姐。" 她仍旧毕恭毕敬:"是的,总裁。" 他原本想要让她明白,一位好秘书不应该干涉老板的私生活,可是话到了嘴边,却变成了:"打电话给司机,去机场。" 爱情,爱情,爱情是什么? 趁着还来得及,趁着还年轻,他为什么不弄明白了,再让她走? 如果说三年的婚姻没能让他了解她,那么,就说明他需要更长的时间。 车子一声急刹,终于停在机场外。 机场里人潮如涌,熙熙攘攘,四顾张望,除了人,就是人,想在人海中找到一个人,简直是大海捞针。他手心开始有微汗,但仍旧镇定。耳畔传来轻柔的音乐,大屏幕上正在播放最新的广告。 巨大的电子屏幕下方,有着熟悉的"永实传播"的标记,说明这广告由永实传播代理播出。他心里忽然一动。 人来人往的空港,有恋人哭泣着相拥,依依不舍的别离。 她独自坐在长椅上,等待着登机的时刻。忽然四周骚乱起来,有人在大声地说什么,还有人在指指点点,有的人站起来,更有人在惊呼。 她也顺着众人的指点抬头。 侯机厅中,无数大屏幕,熟悉的广告片断突然间全都不见了,只看到一行大字:"绡隐,请你留下来。" 从来没有人请求她等待,因为从来没有人,祈望过她的停留。可是他却请求她停留,请她等待自己的到来。 生命是一场偶然的相遇,而爱情的相遇,总是这样措手不及。 她站在热闹的人群里,无数人仰着脸,热烈地议论着这奇迹般的盛况,身边的女孩一直惊呼:"天啊!真是浪漫!天啊!这是不是在拍电影?" 这样华丽,这样热烈,这样令人觉得轰动而隆重,也许,这就是传说中的爱情。 she smiles.
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