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Chapter 41 waiting to see what happens to you

Brocade 匪我思存 919Words 2018-03-16
She has never been as smart as them. They are good at taking advantage of the edge of the sword and using loopholes to walk on the edge of the law.She shook her head heavily: "Why do you bother to bribe actuaries and estimaters to frame Dong Qu? If the facts are found out, it will be a felony and you will be sentenced to many years! You have everything today, so why bother with such a trivial matter Trapped yourself in inhumanity and injustice?" "Shengxin, sometimes you are as naive as your father. No wonder Huayu is in this situation today. What kind of money do you earn in business? You say I framed Dong Qu? Do you think Dong Qu is How did they become what they are today? Didn’t they use everything and plunder to accumulate such a large-scale consortium today? How did Yi Zhiwei teach you, and how did he teach you to be simple!"

She shook her head heavily: "Jian Zijun, you let me down so much." He said coldly, "That's because you only have Yi Zhiwei in your eyes." "I don't want to quarrel with you. We're getting married in a week." "It's good that you know!" He turned his face away, "Or, you may regret it after taking the opportunity!" "you……" "You have the best chance now. Let me help you with an idea. You go to Dongqu and inform Yi Zhiwei immediately. I guarantee that he will be grateful and agree with you!" She closed her eyes and sighed: "I knew a long time ago that the two of us would not be able to achieve a positive result...It really is like this...Jun, let's stop saying things that hurt each other, give you a chance, and give me too." A chance, okay? As long as you stop this plan, there will be no problems between us, and I will be your bride with all my heart, marry you next week, and go to Switzerland for honeymoon..."

He said, "Impossible!" She opened her eyes, and he said: "I love you, but you can't use this to threaten me, accept your conditions, and change my work plan, it's too dangerous, if you can influence my business decisions, you What else can't be done? Then I can be destroyed in your hands at any time." "It's a completely different story." He flatly refused: "In my opinion, it's the same thing. You can do anything with me, you can even ask me to go home after work, stay by your side and never go anywhere, but you can't interfere with my business .”

She looked at him in disbelief: "I've known you for almost twenty years, and I've never understood you like today. You've become too cold-blooded!" "I think," he said slowly, "it's not that I'm cold-blooded, but that you have a problem—if I were Yi Zhiwei, and I designed a plan to deal with Jian Zijun, would you still interfere with me?" "We have nothing to talk about. Let's go. You can go to your business. I will sort out your luggage and personal items for you. If you are busy, you can ask the secretary to come and get them in the afternoon."

But he grabbed her arm: "Fu Shengxin! Don't bully her too much!" "You let go!" They were in a stalemate, and finally, he let go, he said: "I'll wait, I'll wait to see what happens to you!"
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