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Chapter 30 Calling now is adding insult to injury

Brocade 匪我思存 1404Words 2018-03-16
After a few more days like this, although she didn't move back home, everyone in the family knew about it. Sheng Yan called, which seemed to mean condolences. The excuse hung up.I was staring blankly at the phone in a daze, but the ringtone rang again. As soon as she picked it up, the other party said, "It's me." She was stunned for a moment, and he sighed, and said, "Sheng Xin, I don't know what to say. I know that I am calling now to add insult to injury and take advantage of the fire, but if you want, you know that I will not be as good as Yi Zhi." Difficult to deal with."

She suddenly became angry, did he think she had no choice but to sell herself again?He said word by word: "Mr. Jian, although I am in a difficult situation now, I still have the backbone, and I will not go together with killing my father and my enemy again." After falling on the phone, I argued with myself again: backbone?How much is a catty of backbone?The company is in dire straits, and if they can't think of a way out, they will just sit back and slip into a desperate situation!However, he is a sworn enemy! What alarmed her even more was why he was suddenly willing to extend a helping hand to her. He had once seen her besieged on all sides, but now why is he willing to give her a gift?There is no benefit in the world that can be obtained without paying. What is his purpose? When she thinks of this, she shudders.

Going back to the hotel at night, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep, Jian Zijun's words echoed in his ears, his heart sank, anyway, he already had nothing, no matter what he was planning, he thought sadly, what else was he afraid of losing?Weakly persuading himself, he finally wavered, took out a coin, and thought silently: I only toss it once, Hua Xiang will call Jian Zijun, Zi Xiang will bite the bullet and go for it, and let fate. Finally tossed the coin upwards, the coin "ding" landed on the floor, "buzzing", she stared at it intently, the palm of her hand was already covered with cold sweat, and finally the coin finally "dang" lying on the ground On the ground, stopped, it was a flower!

As God intended, she also confessed to her conscience, and she breathed a sigh of relief.I'll call Jian Zijun tomorrow, but it's just to sell myself out again and ask him to make an offer.Maybe he is more generous than Yi Zhiwei! She thought viciously, but more desolation came up: what's the use... no matter how much you give up on yourself, what's the use... She suddenly remembered the phone call he made during the day, and now the Nine Chains has become an important prop, and she has to face him again tomorrow, but she forgot the token of old love in Yi Zhiwei's apartment !

Damn it!The last time she came out in a hurry, she was restless and forgot to bring out such important things, but it was wrong, she had no intention of reuniting with Jian Zijun at that time.Is it possible to get it?As soon as this idea popped up, she couldn't deny it anymore. She also knew that she was trying to persuade herself to see Yi Zhiwei. Tomorrow they would really break up. She followed Jian Zijun, and she was completely his enemy. She grabbed a piece of clothing and changed into it, and went out before she changed her mind.From the hotel to Yi Zhiwei's apartment, she had ups and downs along the way, and tried to ask the driver to go back several times, but she still couldn't exit.She forgot to return the key to him, but what if he is at home?Although it was late now, wouldn't it be worse if he was home and someone else was there—such as his new girlfriend?

She got out of the car at a long distance, walked over, and saw that the small building was not lit from a distance, but felt relieved.Maybe he hasn't come back, maybe he won't come back, he's not home anyway. She had taken a bath before, but in the hot summer night, she only stood for a while, and she was sweating again.The little insects also rushed to the face.This is a high-end residence with a garden-like environment. There are lawns and trees in the front and back of the building, and there is a small pond next to it. Water lilies are planted in it, so there are many small bugs, and unknown bugs are singing in the grass.She was walking around in the garden, her high-heeled feet were sore, she sat down in the gazebo, thinking that it was so late, he would definitely not come back.

She finally swiped her card like a guilty thief and opened the carved iron gate of the courtyard. There was silence all around, only the lamp under the corridor looked at her with a cold white light.She gently opened the door lock like a thief.The light was too dark, she couldn't see anything, but she didn't dare to turn on the light. After standing for a while, her eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and suddenly, her hairs stood on end one by one! someone!Someone is on the couch! The familiar silhouette in the darkness is him!What should she do?Turn around and run away?
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