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Chapter 2 The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable

Brocade 匪我思存 1540Words 2018-03-16
She straightened her back and subconsciously stroked the phone.A string of all-too-familiar numbers is just around the corner at the fingertips.The heart-wrenching pain came up again, she was really going crazy!The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable! There was a slight pecking sound on the door, it was Mrs. Li.She looked haggard, with red eye circles.After all, she has been his father's secretary for nearly ten years, and the friendship between the guest and the host is very good.She has also worked hard these days, trying her best to think of a way with her, recalling the relationship that can be called for help.Even if there was a glimmer of hope, she found it and told her.

"Miss Fu, I'm off work." "Oh, you go back first. I want to stay a little longer." "Miss Fu..." Mrs. Li hesitated to speak, and finally just sighed, and said, "Then you should go home early, you have to go to work tomorrow!" After Mrs. Li left, the room fell silent again, as quiet as a tomb.She sat back on the sofa, which was her old position. She often fell asleep on this hibiscus mat when she was tired of playing when she was a child. When she woke up, she was always covered with her father's suit jacket... She stood up and called Manager Cai: "What else can we do?"

Manager Cai didn't speak. She also knew that she was standing on a cliff and there was no way out, but she still wanted to ask more questions. "Help me contact Jian Zijun, I'll go talk to him." Manager Cai was taken aback for a moment before saying, "Yes." Jian Zijun!She sneered at herself, she didn't expect that she could say this name casually!Jian Zijun! Lang rode a bamboo horse to make green plums around the bed. The childhood of childhood. "Brother Jun, I will marry you when I grow up." "Of course, the two of us are the best. Of course I want to marry you, and of course you want to marry me."

... This kind of pain has been hurting into the liver and intestines, hurting into the bone marrow, and the pain is so painful that the internal organs are all twisted... The next day, Manager Cai got a reply and told her: "Jian Zijun's secretary said he doesn't have time. I think he doesn't want to see you." If she doesn't want to see her, then should she feel that she can talk and masturbate?At least he felt guilty and felt ashamed of her, so he didn't dare to see her? wrong!Big mistake!He didn't bother to see her at all.What is she today?It's useless at all, why should she waste his precious time?

She was in a cold sweat.The inheritance created by the father must not fall into the hands of this person.Even if everything is destroyed, she will not let him step here to show off his power in his father's land.She doesn't allow it!In this second, she made up her mind, she decided to put all her eggs in one basket, she had nothing anyway, she could afford to lose - but she still had one life left! "Okay then, contact Yi Zhiwei for me." Manager Cai was taken aback: "Yi Zhiwei? Miss Fu..." "Tell Yi Zhiwei, I want to talk to him." The firm tone was more like telling herself something... anyway...she would have been better off dying...

Anyway...she already has nothing... Yi Zhiwei also refused to see her.Indeed, President Yi has a lot of things to do every day, so he has no time to answer her... The Fu family is a dog in the water now, and everyone wants to hit him with a pole, just in case it won't die! She tried her best to call Yi Zhiwei by herself, from the switchboard to the secretary's office, reporting layer by layer, and finally Yi Zhiwei's assistant told her politely: "Mr. Yi is not in Taipei at present." She was really going to despair. At this time, Mrs. Li came up with a solution. She saw an article about Yi Zhiwei in a gossip magazine. The article mentioned that Yi Zhiwei had a hobby—going to Tamsui Golf Club to play a few rounds every morning.

This club in Tamsui is a well-known gold-selling den near Taipei, and it is even more difficult for non-members to get in.But Fu Shengxin has a membership card—it should be said to be her father's membership card.This club examines the membership once a year, pays a high membership fee of tens of thousands of yuan, and then issues a new card for this year. This kind of membership card is a status symbol, so although Fu Liangdong doesn't like to play, he still applies every year—no Thinking about this year has come in handy. Fu Shengxin went to the stadium early in the morning to wait for the rabbit. As expected, he saw Yi Zhiwei's silver-gray Lincoln driving into the parking lot at seven o'clock.

Her heart was pounding as she watched the driver get out of the car and open the rear door.But a graceful beauty got out of the car first, and Fu Shengxin recognized it as movie star Zhu Jiajia, who had an intimate look with Yi Zhiwei, so she had no choice but to go straight up and greet her: "Mr. Yi." Yi Zhiwei raised his eyebrows, as if unhappy.However, he is a child of a family, and he is talking about demeanor, so he still politely greeted with a smile: "Miss Fu, are you here to play?" After exchanging greetings, I immediately wanted to walk away with the beauty on my arm.But Fu Shengxin said eagerly: "Mr. Yi, I only take you five minutes."

He shrugged. "I'm busy." She looked straight into his eyes: "It's not so busy that you don't even have five minutes, right?" He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you five minutes." He turned to Zhu Jiajia and said, "Go over there and ask for breakfast to wait for me, I'll be right over." Then he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, it seemed that the countdown was really about to begin .
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