Home Categories romance novel Song of Fire II

Chapter 16 Chapter fifteen

Song of Fire II 明晓溪 9660Words 2018-03-16
What An Yeluo administered to Ru Ge was a drug called "Forgetting". Forget all the pain, forget all the things you don't want to happen, just remember Yu Zihan and the carefree and sweet time when you were young. Ruge has changed back to the innocent and happy girl back then, her eyes are shining, and the corners of her mouth are dancing with joy. Although she is in the gloomy Dark River Palace, her laughter is still scattered in every corner, as if spring is rushing towards her face breeze. The happiest moment for her every day is the moment when she sees Yu Zihan, throwing herself into his arms, acting like a child, letting his gentle palms caress her cheeks and hair tips.She likes lying in his arms, quietly listening to his heartbeat, listening to it, will slowly fall asleep.

However, the time she was able to see Yu Zihan became less and less.Yu Zihan was getting busier and came back later and later.Sometimes she would see the tired and complicated look in his eyes, but when she asked him, he just smiled. At night, Ru Ge fell asleep in Yu Zihan's arms. She breathes evenly, her long eyelashes reflect her pink cheeks, and her lips are curved, as if she is dreaming a sweet dream. Yu Zihan tucked the thin quilt under her chin. Looking at her for a long time, he closed his eyes and frowned slightly. An Yeluo's power is far greater than he imagined.The commercial lifeline of the eight northern provinces is controlled by him. From banks, restaurants, brothels, and salt dealers to bodyguards and drug stores, the underground rivers are all involved. The huge profits can shake the world's economy; in the martial arts, many gangs are secretly affiliated An Yeluo Palace, since the death of Lie Mingjing, An Yeluo has an aura that everyone responds to, even the city without swords in the world is the only one to look forward to; He knew every detail of King Yang's every move.

The Dark River Palace is like a river that flows secretly underground, because of the darkness and the silence, no one will notice its existence.And before you know it, it has seeped into every crevice. It's just that although Anyeluo colluded with King Jingyang and King Jingxian, the two kings knew Anhe Palace's ambitions and took precautions against him.If An Yeluo wants to grasp the power of the imperial army, he must rely on Yu Zihan. Yu Zihan asked, "Why do you want to win the world?" An Yeluo's eyes were crazy: "Travel the common people under your feet, let them struggle and beg, their happiness is in my hands, and I want to give them pain! Let the noble people become dirty, let the noble people lose their dignity, let the noble people lose their dignity. Let the chaste people become dissolute, let the rich be poor, let all greed and selfishness magnify without limit, let betrayal and blood fill the sky!"

"Then you will be happy?" "Happy?! Hahahahahaha!!" An Yeluo laughed wildly, "Have you ever seen a patient with a headache attack? It hurts so much that he hits his head against the wall, tears off all his hair with his hands, and digs out his eyeballs. Come out! Only other pain can temporarily forget the headache!" "You're crazy." "I'm not crazy!" An Yeluo's eyes were bloodshot. "I'm a dead man. How can a dead man be crazy?!" The moment she betrayed him, he was already dead. Yu Zihan said quietly: "Why do you want me to know so much, aren't you afraid that I will betray you?"

"You won't." An Yeluo smiled and shook the wine glass, "The feeling of happiness is like knowing the taste of the essence. Once you taste it, you will never be willing to throw it away. Either it is lingering love, or it is deep-seated hatred. You have no chance to turn back. "Once he gives Ruge the antidote of "forgetting", then Yu Zihan can't bear her hatred. Yu Zihan was silent. Ruge rolled over in his arms, murmured something in her dream, nestled on his neck and started giggling.Her breath warmed his skin, her arms across his chest. Yu Zihan hugged her tightly.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. The huge Underworld Palace was empty all day long, and people were rarely seen.Ruge can only see Yu Zihan at night, so she complains about being bored. The next day, suddenly there was a maid beside her. This maid didn't cover her face with a black veil, her face was beautiful, gentle and quiet, her eyes were deep and deep, and there seemed to be thousands of unspeakable emotions hidden in her. "My name is Lavender." Ru Ge exclaimed: "It's a nice name, may I call you Sister Lavender?" Lavender looked at her in disbelief: "You...don't recognize me?"

Ruge scratched his head and said, "Should I recognize you? Ah, I'm sorry, I seem to be unable to remember many things." "I have been with you for eight years...and..." Moreover, I once stuck a dagger into your chest who came to save me.Did you really forget it all?Tears welled up in Lavender's eyes, but she quickly covered it up with silence. Ruge smiled embarrassedly: "Well, no wonder I think my sister has a familiar aura." She took Lavender's hand and said with a smile, "Sister, sit down and talk with me, okay? I'm the only one here , so boring."

Lavender sat beside her. "What are you talking about?" Ru Ge thought about it, "Are you from the Dark River Palace?" "yes." "Then your martial arts must be very strong!" Ruge's eyes lit up, "Everyone here is very powerful, and they walk as light as clouds." Lavender smiled: "It's okay." "Sister, how did you come to the Dark River Palace?" Ruge asked curiously. "I was born in the Dark River Palace." Ruge opened her eyes wide, it turned out that she had such a deep relationship with the Dark River Palace.

"The woman who gave birth to me is the third lord of the Dark River Palace, so my life belongs to the Dark River." "The woman who gave birth to you?" Ruge frowned, "You call your own mother very strange." Lavender said with a blank expression: "She is not my mother, I am not worthy. I was born with an unknown man in a moment of anger. It is her shame." Ruge was startled. After a long while, she held Lavender's hand, and the warmth spread to her palm: "Every mother loves her child. Maybe for some reason, your mother forgot to tell you her love for you."

Lavender said lightly: "I'm not a child anymore." Her name was even chosen by Xiao Ruge for her after she arrived at Lie Huo Manor, and her status in Dark River Palace was even worse than that of the lowest-level maid. "Do you hate her?" Ruge asked softly. Lavender's fingers twitched, and bitterness slid across her lips.hate her?It should be hated.Hate that she has always used herself as a tool, hate that she has never given herself any warmth, hate that she always looks at her with disgust in her eyes.But, why do I always obey all her orders? When I see her face being destroyed, I feel a piercing pain in my heart. For her, I can even stab the dagger into the young lady who has been caring for me. chest.

This - is it hate? Ru Ge smiled: "She is always your mother, and you always love her. Don't hate someone. When you hate her, you will feel double the pain." Lavender stared at her: "Have you ever hated others?" Ru Ge tried hard to think about it: "It seems that I can't remember many things. However, I don't want anyone to hate." "What if the person who has been with you and whom you regard as your sister betrayed you?" Lavender whispered. Ru Ge held her hand and smiled sweetly: "Since she is someone I regard as a sister, then she will always be my sister. There should be anger and sadness, but how can it be possible to really hate her? Sisters like relatives." There seemed to be tears in Lavender's eyes. She lowered her head so that no one could see the look on her face. After a while, Ruge said distressedly: "I don't know what's wrong, my mind is blank. Except for the memory of Senior Brother Yu, I have forgotten everything else." She knocked her head hard, her brows wrinkled. Lavender looked at her, as if to see if she had really forgotten everything. Ruge suddenly said happily: "By the way, didn't you just say that you have been with me for eight years? Then you must know a lot about me. Where are my relatives? Who are they? Where are they?" "Zhan Feng, do you still remember?" "Zhan Feng?" "You used to like him very much." "Ah, is there such a person?" Ruge thought hard. "And snow." "Snow? It must be a very beautiful girl." "He's a man." Ru Ge opened his eyes wide.She thought girls were called such names. "He is a man who loves you very much." Ruge was even more surprised: "Why do I have no memory at all?" Lavender was silent. "Where are they now?" Ruge asked. "right here." Ruge stood up with a "swipe": "What? Is it here?" Why has she never seen it? Lavender nodded. "I want to go see them." "Can't." "why not?!" "They were imprisoned in the water dungeon. The situation is miserable. You should not go to see them." Ruge said in surprise, "Take me there quickly." Lavender stared at her with hesitant eyes. "Please, Sister Xunyi, will you take me there?" Ruge begged with a bitter face, "Maybe I will remember a lot of things." Lavender took a deep breath and finally nodded. Passing through a long, narrow and dark tunnel, the nostrils smelled rancid, as if there were thousands of rats rotting together.Black water was flowing down the ground, and there were all kinds of strange things in the black water, giving off a stench. Ruge's feet were caught by something. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a large group of hair, entangled in the hair. The carcass of a bat. Ru Ge resisted the pain of wanting to vomit, and walked behind Lavender. In the dark water prison, you can't see your fingers, only moans, screams, blood flow, curses... The atmosphere is eerie, as if in the deepest hell. Walking and walking, I turned a few turns that I don’t remember, and suddenly the torches lit up in front of me!Ruge couldn't adapt to the darkness for a while, only felt a kind of dazzling dizziness.When she opened her eyes, she couldn't help being shocked! This is a very spacious cell. More than a dozen torches on the stone wall illuminate the cell as bright as day.A fire was burning in the center of the cell, and the iron inside was burning red; there were five or six broken leather whips on the ground, and the leather whips were stained with blood; there was a burning smell in the air, as if the flesh had been scorched. scalded. There are four disciples of the dark river in the cell, all covered their faces with black scarves, their expressions cannot be seen clearly, but cruelty and indifference can be seen through the black clothes. A disciple of the Underworld was waving a whip to beat the prisoner. The other three were drinking. The prisoner's arms were hoisted, his dark blue curly hair was scattered in a mess, and his dark blue cloth was ragged by the whip, stained with blood, and his flesh could be seen curled up.His chest was ripped open, and white smoke was still emitting from the brand mark on his chest. Ru Ge gasped. Lavender looked at her and said, "Do you recognize him? His name is Zhan Feng." Ruge tried hard to stare at him, trying to find some familiar shadow from his messy hair, but she couldn't see clearly. She moves closer. The Black River disciples in black shouted sharply: "Who?!" Lavender gestured, and the Anhe disciples suddenly turned around very neatly and retreated.There was a sudden silence in the cell, only the crackling of the torches could be heard. Ruge walked up to Zhan Feng, gently brushed aside his black and bluish curly hair, and looked at his face curiously: "You——is your name Zhan Feng?" Zhan Feng seemed to be struck by lightning, he suddenly raised his head and looked straight at her! "Do you recognize me?" Ruge asked again. Blood oozed from the corner of Zhan Feng's lips, his face was pale, his dark eyes were as blue as the sea, he wanted to say something, but his throat trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Ruge quickly supported him, took out a towel from his arms to wipe the blood around his mouth, turned to Lavender and said, "What did he do? Why did you treat him like this?" Xun Yi said: "It's the order of the Palace Master." No one will ask the reason for An Yeluo's order. "Could you put him down?" His arms were dangling, and it must have hurt. Lavender smiled wryly: "I don't have the right to let him down." Ruge wiped off the blood and stains on his face, his eyes flickered, and he said in surprise, "If I've seen you before, I will never forget you." He is handsome and lonely like a nine-day war god, with an indifferent and fragile temperament It is unforgettable for every girl. Zhan Feng's eyes were turbulent and blue: "You──!" What happened? !Did she not recognize him?The blankness on her expression tore his heart severely! "Do you recognize me?" Ruge asked again. Zhan Feng suddenly had the urge to laugh wildly!Does he recognize her?She is the blood flowing in his body, the marrow in his bones, even if he is smashed to pieces, she will never forget every smile and cry of hers. "I recognize you." A laughing voice came from the next cell. Ruge turned around and looked. I saw the man in white clothes like snow, as if he was bathed in the brightest sunshine in spring, the light was dazzling, and he was peerless.He smiled softly, like a spring full of flowers blooming on the earth, because of that smile, the dark and damp water prison instantly became bright and beautiful like a fairyland.If it weren't for the chains on his feet, she would never believe that he would be a prisoner here. He smiled and waved to Ru Ge: "Girl, have you finally thought of coming to see me?" Ruge walked over in a daze, looked at him: "Tell me, do you recognize me?" "yes." "What is my name?" "Your name is Ruge." He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Oh, not bad. "Then what's your name?" she continued. "Stinky girl!" He stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek through the iron bars, "Anyone of you can forget, but you must never forget me! Otherwise, I will show you my heart!" Ruge asked in a daze, "Why?" "Because you are the one I love." He smiled for granted. Ru Ge is very confused.The person she loves should be Brother Yu, when will there be such a man who is as beautiful as a fairy. "You forget a lot of things, don't you?" "Yes! Yes!" She responded hastily. "Come on, put your ears close, and I'll help you remember everything." He blinked his eyes, mischievously like a child. She obediently put her ears close to the iron bars. Suddenly, he leaned over and kissed her small earlobe, with the cool fragrance of flowers, he whispered in her ear: "Damn girl, I miss you so much..." Ruge jumped up in shock, her ears turned red with shame, she said angrily, "You—" "Snow." "what?" "My name is Xue." His smile was as crystal clear as snowflakes, "If you have forgotten me, then get to know me again." The next day, Lavender told An Yeluo that Ruge had indeed forgotten everything about the past except Yu Zihan. An Yeluo was very satisfied. When he made Ru Ge drink the new "Forgotten", she also completely forgot about meeting Zhan Feng and Xue in the water prison. Since then, Lavender has become Ruge's maid, accompanying her by her side. The bronze mirror reflected a distorted and hideous face. An Yejue waved the black veil angrily, and the mirror fell to the ground, making a loud noise! "I'm going to kill her!!" Lie Ruge not only ruined her own appearance and escaped from her palm several times, but also, she is An Yeming's daughter! dark night── From childhood to adulthood, in the eyes of parents and An Yeluo, only An Yeming exists, without her.An Yeming is beautiful, gentle, kind, and intelligent. She is like a fairy and has fascinated countless people.Dark Night is her nightmare. When she found out that her beloved brother was deeply infatuated with An Yeming, she completely collapsed.Kneeling by the dark river, she cried for three days and three nights until she vomited and fainted.She was about to kill An Yeming, but An Yeming told her that what she loved was not An Yeluo, but a man named Zhan Feitian. An Ye knows Zhan Feitian. He is a godlike heroic man with resolute eyes and broad shoulders. However, she couldn't believe that An Yeming would abandon An Yeluo and choose another man. An Yeluo is better than thousands of hundreds of Zhan Feitians put together! Soon, An Yeluo locked An Yeming in the water prison. Seeing the crazy and painful An Yeluo, she began to believe that An Yeming really fell in love with Zhan Feitian.All the pain comes from An Yeming, and she is determined to kill An Yeming again! An Yeming was not flustered at all, although she was thin, her smile was still demure.She said that the dead woman would only make Luo miss and suffer forever, so it is better to let her go. Luo might hate her by Zhan Feitian's side, but hate is easier to bear than love.Luo will have the chance to meet the real woman he hits. She was persuaded. She secretly released An Yeming from the water prison. She thought that An Yeming's departure would make herself the only woman in An Yeluo's life. However- She was wrong! ! An Yeluo went completely crazy! ! That night in Liehuozhuang, An Yeming and Zhan Feitian died in the end, and An Yeluo was also seriously injured, and was confined alone for nineteen years. Lonely and long nineteen years... Regret gnawed at her heart every day. If she could do it again, she would choose to kill An Yeming when she was ten years old.Even killing her in the water dungeon is fine, in that case, at least An Yeluo's body will not be harmed. She has been waiting in the Underworld Palace for nineteen years. Finally waited until An Yeluo exited the customs again. However, An Yeluo is no longer the arrogant and unruly An Yeluo of the past. His long hair hangs down, his face is pale, and the wound between his brows has condensed into a bright red cinnabar. His eyes seem to have no emotion, only boundless pain . No matter what kind of him he is, she will always be with him. However- That girl named Lie Ruge ruined her face!She turned into an ugly and terrifying woman!With such a face, how could she appear in front of An Yeluo! ! They also discovered that Lie Ruge was An Yeming's daughter! nightmare... A nightmare without end... An Yejue roared mournfully: "I want to kill her! An Yeming, you can no longer destroy everything about me!!" She rushed out of the door and rushed towards the direction where Ru Ge lived! Transparent liquid, slightly pink in color, seems to be brewed with the juice of March peach blossoms.An Yeluo poured two drops into Ruge's cup, and smiled at her, "Are you happy now?" Think about it like a song: "Happy. But..." An Yeluo raised his eyebrows and looked at her questioningly. "But... I always feel that this kind of happiness is stolen and prepaid, and I have to repay it in the future. Perhaps the price of repayment is more than the current happiness." Ruge drank the liquid in the crystal cup in distress.It is naturally sweet and happy to be by Brother Yu's side, but there is always a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, like I am dreaming an illusory dream. "Will the future be pain or pleasure?" "have no idea." "Since the future is unknowable, why not enjoy happiness and happiness first?" An Yeluo's voice was deep and gentle, passing through the air, bewitching every cell in Ruge's body. Ru Ge felt that what he said was reasonable, but at the same time thought it was ridiculous.Her thoughts were a little confused for a while, the crystal cup rested on her lips, reflecting her delicate lips like dewy peach blossom petals. A strange look suddenly flashed across An Yeluo's eyes. Ruge shook his head and said: "No. If the price of enjoying happiness first is to cause greater pain in the future, then I would rather bear everything while I am still young. Happiness that is too easy will make people weak, and only strong people are worthy of it." to be truly happy." Finally figured it out, she smiled happily. An Yeluo stared at her.Her smile is very much like a person, but her smile is much more optimistic and cheerful. Lavender stood by. In her eyes, Ruge and An Yeluo are strikingly similar.The outlines of the two people's eyebrows and eyes, their smiling demeanor, their hobby of liking red clothes, and their necks will be slightly tilted to the left when they lower their heads.The most similar thing is the temperament of the two. They obviously didn't make a show of it deliberately, but a kind of domineering presence fills the space, making people attracted all the time. But the difference is also obvious. An Yeluo's red clothes are like the sunset glow in the setting sun, with a suffocating sense of oppression, with the smell of blood, as if when his red clothes fly up, it will block out the sky, and blood will flow like a river. Ruge's red clothes are bright and dazzling, like the first morning glow on the first day, full of vitality, so bright red that it makes people heartbroken, as if no matter what happens, it can't stop the rising of the sun. Lavender watched silently. Ruge and An Yeluo talked and laughed, an indescribable tacit understanding flowed between the two.Because of her and him, the dark underground that never sees the sun is suddenly as beautiful as a painting full of ink and colors. A burst of murderous aura suddenly struck! Like the crystal cup among the singers, it bursts at the sound! Lavender immediately raised her sleeves to block it, but the black shadow was like a rushing black cloud, and her long sleeves were useless.While she was in doubt, the black shadow had rushed towards Ru Ge! The fierce murderous intent came towards Ruge's face! Black gauze is like a poisonous snake! Ruge ignored it, bent down and gently picked up the crystal fragments into his palm.Reflecting the light of the torches, the crystal shards sparkled, creating a dazzling brilliance.Such a beautiful cup, it is a pity that it is broken. Afterwards, An Yeluo asked Ru Ge: "Didn't you see her attack?" Ruge said: "I see." "Why don't you dodge?" "Dodged, I squatted down to pick up the crystal chip to dodge." She smiled cutely.Why do you have to act panicked to dodge? "At the time, you should have been terrified. With your skill, it would be easy for her to kill you." "No." She still smiled cutely. An Yeluo raised his eyebrows. Ruge said: "You are by my side, she can't hurt me." An Yeluo narrowed his eyes: "I may not protect you." "My intuition tells me that you will." "What if your instincts are wrong?" Ruge smiled: "Anyway, I'm still alive." So, her intuition was not wrong. Only in the blink of an eye. The black yarn was tied to An Yejue himself. She struggled and roared: "Let go of me! I'm going to kill her! She ruined my face! She made my life worse than death!" An Yeluo's rescue of Ru Ge made her anger and fear reach the peak. vertex. Lavender lowered her head. She didn't want to see An Yejue lose her composure like this, she would rather be cold and arrogant than see her hysterical like a madman. "Is life better than death?" An Yeluo twirled the golden wine glass, and the blood-red clothes gave off a cold taste, "Then go die." An Yejue's eyes widened, his face became even more hideous and ugly: "What did you say?! You let me die?! I am your biological sister!" An Yeluo said disgustedly: "If you didn't have such a little blood relative, you should have killed you when you let her go." An Yejue trembled all over: "Brother..." She always thought he didn't know!No wonder he was so ruthless and indifferent towards her, no wonder he always looked at her with hatred!Haha, it turns out that he knows everything! An Yeluo said coldly: "It's better for a stupid and ugly woman to die earlier." An Yejue was speechless, tears slid down her twisted and deformed ugly face with bloodshot eyes. "Put her in the dungeon." An Yeluo ordered. "Yes." Lavender bit her lips quietly, and walked in front of An Yejue, "Third Palace Master, please." Hearing this sentence, Ruge looked over in surprise.She is the lord of the Three Palaces?Then she is Lavender's mother. An Yejue burst into tears and shouted: "Why do you do this to me?! She is your sister, and I am your sister! She doesn't love you, but I love you so much that I can do anything for you Do it! Back then, if you wanted to get the formula for Thunderbolt Gate firearms, I would exchange my own body, even giving birth to a bastard! Brother──, I never blamed you, I love you so much! Why don’t you Can you take a look at me?!" An Yeluo sneered and pinched her chin: "Do something for me, maybe I'll consider taking a look at you." "As long as you tell me, I will do as many things as possible!" Hope lit up An Yejue's eyes! "Go to hell. Don't let me see your disgusting face again." An Yeluo said softly, the cruelty in the words made Ruge shudder. Tears flowed from An Yejue's eyes like a river. "I'm dead, will you give me a place in your heart?" An Yeluo raised his head to drink: "Maybe." "Okay." An Yejue had a miserable smile on his ugly face. "Don't!" Ruge shouted urgently. An Yejue's face gradually turned gray. Lavender tilted her head, her teeth had bitten her lips to bleed, her mouth was full of blood, she clenched her hands tightly, her stomach twisted violently.She thought she wouldn't cry, but her bloody lips felt the saltiness of tears in bursts. Ru Ge pulled Lavender and yelled at An Yejue: "Look at her! She is your daughter, right?! Are you dead, leaving her alone? Just for someone who doesn't love you, Are you going to abandon your daughter?!" An Yejue's body slipped and fell limp on the cold ground, her eyes began to lose sight.Looking at Lavender, a dazed look flashed across her face. "daughter……" "Yes! She is your daughter! And..." Lavender's fingers were as cold as ice, and Ruge squeezed her tightly, trying to pass the strength to her, "And...she loves you!" "Love……" An Yejue moaned, blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, she looked at the expressionless An Yeluo with difficulty, her voice was so low that she could barely hear: "Brother... remember what you said... I'm dead... love me ...a little bit...good...bad..." The ending was swallowed by darkness. An Yejue's pupils have been slackened, and his eyes are wide open, thinking that he wants to look at An Yeluo forever and ever. Lavender stumbled and ran out. Ruge's chest was icy cold. Only An Yeluo sniffed the wine in the glass calmly as before, the red clothes flew like blood mist, and there seemed to be a mocking smile on his lips. An Yeluo has gone crazy. In the middle of the night, Ruge lay in Yu Zihan's arms, shivering in a daze.She thought of An Yeluo's eyes, there was no emotion, no shock, only indifferent mockery.Those are no longer human eyes, and even beasts are more tender than them. "Are you going to leave tomorrow morning?" Ru Ge asked in a low voice, with an inexplicable uneasiness and worry in her heart. "Yes." Yu Zihan said quietly, stroking her hair gently. "How long are you going?" "……have no idea……" Ruge propped himself up, looked down at him, and said worriedly: "Are you not sure how long you'll be going?" He smiled and said, "Don't worry." "Brother, I'm worried about An Yeluo. Will he make you do some strange things, or put you in danger, you know, he's really crazy." He still smiled, his eyes were as gentle as spring water: "I will be back." Ru Ge's fingers brushed his handsome eyebrows, and sighed: "But, I am very worried, and I always feel like something is going to happen. Besides, your expression is not quite right these days, although you still smile like you have nothing on your mind. No, but when you fall asleep at night, your brows are always wrinkled." Yu Zihan grabbed her finger, put it to his lips, and kissed lightly: "Will you miss me?" He stared at her, her fingers resting on his warm lips. Ruge's face blushed quietly, and said angrily, "You know it." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "You will miss me a lot, right?" "wrong." He was slightly startled, then smiled suddenly: "That is to say, you will miss me very much, right?" "That's right!" Ruge smiled and nestled into his arms again, stretched out her arms to hug him tightly, "So, you must come back safely!" As soon as she said these words, she suddenly felt a strong urge Uneasy, as if she said something wrong. Yu Zihan patted her on the back reassuringly, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry....Ge'er, when I come back, let's...build a hut in the forest, shall we?" "Ok?" There was a slight blush on his face: "Do you like wooden houses or bamboo houses?" Ru Ge's face also turned red. Yu Zihan was at a loss and coughed lightly. She lowered her head and said, "Who is... in the room?" His eyes were full of tenderness: "You and I...in the future...there will be children..." She blushed like a cloud. Finally, she said angrily, "We'll talk about it when you come back." Yu Zihan hugged her tenderly. For a long time no one made a sound. The two embraced in the dark, their body temperature passed each other, and their breaths were in each other's ears.Both his and her breaths were hot, as if a hot flame was burning between the two bodies. Yu Zihan tried his best to calm down the restlessness in his body, and he took out something from his bosom.A suet white jade finger wrench carved with dragon patterns is strung together by a thin red rope. Ruge was surprised and said: "Hey, I always wear this finger ring next to my body, how could it be on your body?" He didn't answer her. He gently wrapped the red rope around her neck, and the white jade fingers glowed softly in the darkness.He whispered: "It's yours." That day, when she returned the finger wrench to him, the determination on her face turned his heart into ashes. Ru Ge nodded: "Okay. I wore it when I was born, and I will wear it when I die." Yu Zihan took a deep breath and hugged her tightly: "Ge'er..." Ge'er, as long as he has her, he is willing to walk into endless hell. Under the ground where the dark river was flowing, the breathing of the two suddenly became short again. A gentle body fragrance fills the air. A dark dungeon. Zhan Feng's arms were hanging in the air, his dark blue cloth was torn, and his body was covered with shocking welts and burns, with fresh blood seeping out.His face was pale, his lips were chapped, and his curly hair stuck to his sweaty cheeks. There was the sound of snoring, and in the middle of the night, the disciples of the underground river guarding the water prison all fell asleep. Zhan Feng suddenly opened his eyes! There was a faint blue fire in his eyes: "Tomorrow?" He seemed to be talking to himself, because there was no one else in this cell except him. "Yes. Tomorrow." A moving voice like the fragrance of flowers floated from the cell next door, Xue yawned lazily, as if he was woken up by Zhan Feng. Zhan Feng's pupils tightened: "Will he...will succeed?" "What is success, what is failure?" Xue rested on her arms, looked at the dark wall and sighed, "If I were him, I might choose to continue like this. To have a sound body, to be able to keep What does it matter if her side can be loved by her even if the world is destroyed hundreds of times?" Zhan Feng was silent, and after a while, he closed his eyes. Yes, as long as you can be loved by her, what does it matter if the world is destroyed hundreds of times?The young lotus pond is the only happiness in his life. If he can choose again, he will stay by the lotus pond forever. "Will she...will forget everything forever and live a pure and happy life?" The last time she came to the water prison, her eyes were clear and her smile was as cute as those days when she was carefree.If it is really possible, let her forget it forever. "An Yeluo's greatest hobby is to make others suffer." Xue knew that Zhan Feng was referring to Ruge.Because only when he mentioned her, his voice trembled slightly. "The more miserable others are, the happier he is." The dark blue in Zhan Feng's eyes froze into ice: "I will kill him." "You are far from his opponent." Xue sat with her knees hugged, this posture is what Ruge likes, the same posture as hers can pretend that she is by his side.Before losing his skill, An Yeluo might be afraid of his immortal power.However, at this moment, An Yeluo couldn't see him either. "Humans cannot defeat An Yeluo. Only demons can destroy demons." Zhan Feng burst out with a cold murderous aura. Xue raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Do you want to become a demon?" "I need your help." Xue raised her eyebrows and looked at him strangely, "Why should I help you?" "Because you love her." "Well, that's a good reason." "Then, tell me how to become a demon." Xue looked at Zhan Feng for a long time, and suddenly a strange and beautiful smile appeared on her lips: "Not everyone can become a demon. But you can, because you have a demon heart."
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