Home Categories romance novel Master Face Changer·Final

Chapter 47 Chapter Fourteen

Master Face Changer·Final 棠岚 3025Words 2018-03-16
Lu Yuanqing looked at Song Yutang's surprised expression and said, "Song Huwei must be very surprised now, right? But please calm down and listen to me tell a story about the past. I believe that after this incident is told, Song Huwei will not be so surprised. "Tangu Village is a strange village. The villagers here are self-sufficient and everyone lives a long life. They don't need to step out of the village to live a good life, so they have lived in isolation for hundreds of years. Mo is a strange Ever since I knew that the sister Mo Sang who rescued me was named Mo, I had a question. Mo was never a surname. In the Warring States period in ancient times, there was a custom of using territories and even sects as the surnames of later generations. Throughout history The most glorious era of the word Mo was the early Warring States period, the children of the Mohist school.

"Promote the benefits of the world and eliminate the harms of the world...clothes with brown fur and clothes with 跂蹻 (straw sandals), work day and night, take self-suffering as the extreme...go through the water and die without hesitation..." Lu Yuanqing lightly Sighing softly, "How brilliant was the Mohist School once? Was it a leader, a theory, or an organization? Maybe not. They are a group of chivalrous men who come from the bottom of society with blood flowing through their bodies. They really understand what is suffering in people's livelihood. , the overlord of the Warring States period with brilliant spirit, but it is a pity that after the Warring States period and the Western Han Dynasty, Mohism was gradually replaced by Confucianism, and Mohism, an important school that wrote legends among the heroes of the Warring States period, just disappeared. When I was a teenager Every time I read this, I feel very regretful, and I never thought that after a thousand years, I would be lucky enough to see the descendants of the Mohist family again, although these so-called descendants can no longer see the elegance of thousands of years ago."

"That person in Changshou Village is a descendant of the Mo family?" Feng Yanqiu was very surprised. "Although there are not many people, they are self-contained and well-behaved. The system of superiority and inferiority is strict. They are absolutely obedient to the orders of the patriarch. They are hard-working and strict with themselves. Although they are some mountain villagers, they talk elegantly and do things far-reachingly. Especially The 129-year-old patriarch I met was really a great old man, and the game of chess I played with the old man is still fresh in my memory. Because the old man used the Mohist The chessboard, he is playing Mohist chess. The way Mohist chess is played is different from ordinary Reversi. It is an eight-horizontal and eight-vertical chessboard. On that point. I know how to play Mohist chess because I have always been fascinated by books related to Mohist theory. The reason why I think that patriarch is a great old man is because he understands generosity and wisdom. I can play Mohist chess, so I He must be able to guess the real identity of the people in their village.

"From the time when Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty respected Confucianism alone, there was no place for the children of Mohism in the court. Their academics were not adopted by those in power, and they were rejected or even feared by those in power because of their perfect ideas. Therefore The children of the Mohist family can only stay safe by going far into the mountains to hide their names. After thousands of years have passed away, the descendants of the Mohist children are just villagers in a small village far away from the world. They live peacefully, fulfillingly and happily. If their secrets are revealed No one could have predicted what the consequences would be if I, who was just a child at the time, said it, but the patriarch finally let me leave the ancient village. I thought the black cloth covering my face when I left the village was because of this The reason. Obviously killing me is the best way to keep it secret, but the old man still didn't have the heart. He let me leave the ancient village, but he didn't want me to see the way to leave. He wanted me to turn the memory of this trip into a Dream, go through the years and then forget.

"The people in this village are very kind, but you killed them with your own hands." Having said that, Lu Yuanqing pointed at Feng Yanqiu, "They would rather take risks than lay hands on me. If the massacre of the village back then was not too cruel, How did that girl in sackcloth with a ruined face cut off Master Guo's legs? You turned a good and kind person into a devil, aren't you afraid, Deputy Commander Feng?" "Afraid? What am I afraid of?" Feng Yanqiu took a step closer, "It's just that they lived too long, their lifespan is too long. The emperor has been pursuing the magic formula of immortality. Since they have the secret formula of longevity, why can't they dedicate it to you?" Your Majesty? It is their blessing to be loyal to the Emperor, and it is my duty, Feng Yanqiu, to offer strange prescriptions to the Emperor."

"Just because they live long? Just because they live so long, they deserve to die? How innocent are those children, they are so young, how can you bear to let them suffer? Where did you get their hearts? Dedicate them to the emperor? The emperor wants Can those bloody things live longer? Feng Yanqiu, you are just satisfying your own selfish desires!" "Time is also fate. If they really hit longevity, they won't meet me, Feng Yanqiu. The so-called longevity is just nonsense. Wouldn't blood be sprayed everywhere with a knife?" Lu Yuanqing sneered when he heard the words: "Their longevity is not because of any panacea, but because they have foresight, wisdom, and tolerance. Watching other people's corpses to achieve their own road to the sky, they don't need to live like frightened birds to live calmly, they will naturally live long, because their hearts are clean."

"Clean?" Feng Yanqiu laughed loudly, "No matter how clean a heart is, it will rot, stink, be covered with maggots, and turn into dust..." His laughter stopped abruptly, because a long knife hit him. caught his back. "There is no cure for insanity! I am really ashamed to wear the same brocade clothes as someone like you!" Shao Ying snorted coldly and glanced at Lu Yuanqing, "You are so calm, you don't even wonder where I come from? " Lu Yuanqing smiled slightly, "Why did Butou Shao come here?" Song Yutang rushed over and slapped Shao Ying on the shoulder, "What are you two talking about? What did you do without telling me?"

"It's nothing, it's just that when everyone was paying attention to the adult and you being exchanged as hostages, I saw Shao Butou hiding behind the stone wall. I think Shao Butou should know that I found him, right?" Shao Ying snorted, "I'm so well hidden, you can see it?" "As a person, I like to see things that others can't see or are not interested in." "Okay!" Song Yutang yelled, "So you already knew that Shao Ying was by your side! I said, why are you indifferent to the arrest of the adults, so you knew that Shao Ying would go to save the adults! Then why didn't you tell me, Made me so anxious..."

"Sorry." Lu Yuanqing only said two words with a blank face. "You're just playing tricks on me, aren't you! You guys are really black-hearted, black-handed, and black-hearted..." Mr. He was very angry. "Forget it, don't be angry, my lord specially arranged this play." Shao Ying said, "They are all slaughtered in the open, it is better to ambush the oriole behind." "What about your lord?" Lu Yuanqing asked. "Should come right away." "That girl..." Lu Yuanqing hadn't finished speaking when Feng Yanqiu laughed wildly.

"Shao Ying, do you think you are a hero? It's just a common man's bravery. I refused to accept you when you were in Fusi, Beizhen! Why does that old man Lu Bing value you? How can I, Feng Yanqiu, be worse than you? Now I am Deputy Commander of Jin Yiwei, you are nothing! That old man Lu Bing is blind to abandon me and choose you..." Shao Ying stabbed the knife into the ground, grabbed Feng Yanqiu's collar with his backhand and punched him in the stomach.He used all his strength for this punch, and Feng Yanqiu immediately fell to his knees and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I've wanted to beat you up a long time ago. You kid should be glad that you met me three years later. If it was three years ago, I would have smashed you to pieces!" Shao Ying said with heaving chest and hatred. "Ha...cough..." Feng Yanqiu spat out blood and laughed again, "It's been three years, and you haven't forgotten! It's just a woman who turned against her brothers and left Jinyiwei. Shao Ying, you are nothing more than that It's hard to become a master! Now I'm just a head catcher in a small yamen, and it makes people laugh when I say it. For three years, I have been looking forward to the day when I see you again, but unfortunately, you are getting worse..." "I'll say it again!" Shao Ying pulled Feng Yanqiu's collar and gritted his teeth face to face with him, "Jian Yun is my brother, I don't allow your dirty mouth to tarnish her name!" "Brothers?" Feng Yanqiu seemed to have heard a big joke, "She is a woman, you are a man, what kind of brothers are you? What kind of brothers? The kind of brothers who roll on the bed..." Before the words finished, Shao Ying had already Kicking him away, Feng Yanqiu fell heavily on the stone wall, then rolled and moaned on the ground. Shao Ying wanted to go forward, but Lu Yuanqing grabbed his arm, "He's deliberately provoking you, don't fall for it." The muscles of Shao Ying's whole body were tense, and Lu Yuanqing could feel his vigorous anger while pulling his arm, "Shao Ying..." "I'm fine." Shao Ying took a deep breath, turned around and was about to pull out the knife inserted into the ground, when Feng Yanqiu spoke again. "Shao Ying, since you have been infatuated for three years, let me tell you something." His eyes slowly swept across Lu Yuanqing's face, and after receiving that cold stare, he laughed arrogantly. "Shao Ying, don't listen to his nonsense, tie him up and go find your master..." Lu Yuanqing's unfinished words were cut off by Feng Yanqiu loudly, "Yes, listen to your woman, haha..." "What did you say!" Shao Ying's hand holding the handle of the knife tightened, "What did you just say?" Feng Yanqiu put his left hand on his chest and his right hand on the ground, sat up awkwardly and with great effort, "So I say you are a blind fool! The person you have tortured yourself for three years is by your side, but you don't know, haha, I am now My chest hurts, but I really want to laugh because it's ridiculous."
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