Home Categories romance novel Master Face Changer·Final

Chapter 42 Chapter 9 The Nightmare Comes Back

Master Face Changer·Final 棠岚 3151Words 2018-03-16
"What? Is the dog officer ever so scared?" The voice laughed mockingly, "My sister was only fourteen years old when she died. She had never been out of the village, nor had she seen the outside world that she wanted to see so much. The world, even before she had time to meet her sweetheart, to get married, to be a wife and mother... She was scared when she died, she called me sister and asked me to save her... I really want to save her, really , I would rather die myself and want to save her, but I have no choice, I can't do anything... The hoarse cry of her death has been surrounded by my ears every day for three years, I heard it when I woke up, and I heard it in my dreams. It hurts, it hurts. What did I do wrong? I just kindly saved someone, did I do it wrong? What did I do wrong? Why? Why! I can't figure it out, I don't understand! Even if I really That's wrong, why not punish me alone, why should the whole village be punished with me? Where is the justice of heaven? Where is the cycle of retribution? Murderers go unpunished with fine clothes, and the murdered heads are buried deep in the loess. Buried, that's what I saw."

Sad and trembling emotions made her already hoarse voice more vague, "God is not benevolent, I am unrighteous. Cut off the dog official's leg, do you think I am vicious? That only shows that you are childish and ridiculous, You haven’t even seen what is called real viciousness. But it’s okay, since you are here, I will make up for you everything you haven’t tasted. It is so hard to find justice in this world, so I won't ask for it, I will destroy my hatred, and avenge my hatred, but as for my enemies, I want you to help me kill them." Her voice changed, becoming Miserably, "Yes, you guessed most of it right, but the only omission is that the me who should have died in this catastrophe is still alive, and I have been looking for and waiting for the person who made me look like a human and a ghost. Murderer, for the past three years, I have been preparing for revenge all the time, I planned every day, I waited every night, and this day finally came."

"Where's your enemy?" Shen Bai asked blankly, "Since you just said that you want us to help you kill your enemy, then we must not be your enemy anymore." "I don't talk to dog officials!" After Lu Yuanqing and Shen Bai looked at each other helplessly, they smiled apologetically, "I'm not a dog official, can you listen to me a few words?" If she hadn't revealed her identity, it would be really difficult to tell a man from her hoarse voice. .It cannot be denied that Lu Yuanqing's heart has almost been half relieved since knowing that the person hidden behind is actually a woman.She is a woman, so she thinks she understands women.A woman's hatred is not as obvious as a man's hatred, but it is long-lasting and difficult to get rid of and entangled for a long time, and it is difficult to make it forget, so it should not start from here, and a unique approach is needed.

"what do you want to say?" Lu Yuanqing pondered for a moment before saying, "I want to know if the owner of the blood-clothed man is still alive." The woman sneered, "Why should I answer you? Now I am the only one who orders you. What right do you have to interrogate me?" "Don't talk about it." Lu Yuanqing waved his hand, "I just think that the girl has been struggling for three years alone, and in such a dark place, she must be very lonely. I thought that the girl was also looking for someone when she told me about the past. Talk about the grievance in my heart, it seems that I will be wrong."

The woman was silent, and suddenly laughed wildly, "He had a face of compassion and salvation, and a heart of sympathy and compassion, but he had a heart that secretly plotted against me... Thinking of me, why do you How could you? We don’t know each other, and now I’m imprisoning you, why would you want to listen to me? I think you’re taking the opportunity to talk! Let me tell you, I’m not that stupid! I’ve paid for my stupidity Too much price, I will firmly remember it for the rest of my life, and I will never forget it until I die! Instead of trying to impress me, it is better to think about what to do next. I am not afraid to tell you that this place is worse than hell. It's even more scary, one wrong step, you'll be crushed to pieces, so don't try to escape, you won't be able to escape, unless I lead the way for you. Well, no matter what, you basically guessed it right in the first round, so let's go find the key , in this room, time is still a cup of tea..."

"No need." Shen Bai cut off her words in a cold voice.He walked slowly to the longbow hanging on the stone wall, gently took it off, pulled out the arrow with a little force, and it turned out to be in the shape of a key.Shen Bai broke the bow and arrow, raised the key in his hand, "Here is the key, what is the next level?" The woman was quiet before continuing: "It's only fun when people are smart enough to play. If you die soon, how boring is it? Now you can look for the door to leave this stone room, and then take your You can leave with the key, by the way, let me remind you that I have left a surprise for you in the next game. Don't disturb me, see you later."

Tranquility enveloped the stone room again.Shen Bai and Lu Yuanqing looked at each other silently, then Lu Yuanqing looked down at the so-called sister's skull that Shen Bai threw on the ground before. "Guanlan, although this girl...calling you a dog official is inevitable and you don't like to hear it, but she can't throw her sister's skull on the ground. If you throw it like this, won't she hate us even more?" Lu Yuanqing deliberately sighed. "I just suddenly felt disgusted." Shen Bai shrugged, "Yuan Qing, don't you think this girl is abnormal? I threw her sister's skull on the ground, and she didn't show up to fight me desperately. I just now Listening to her words, I have a very good relationship with her sister, how can she be so calm? I might not have such a good self-cultivation in other cases. "

"If what she just said is true, then the hatred in her heart can delay us a hundred times. Why did she randomly place her sister's skull here? If anyone dies tragically, the remains It will definitely be stored properly, why is she acting uncharacteristically?" "She's lying! It's not her sister's skull at all!" Shen Bai frowned, "Or is she actually crazy?" "It's hard to guess the reason at the moment, we can only do what she said first." Lu Yuanqing walked to the stone wall next to the wooden bed and stopped to tap lightly before reaching out to Shen Bai, "Guanlan, give me the key. "

Shen Bai leaned forward, "Yuan Qing, how do you know the door is here?" "The underground air flow is slow, and here is another stone room. Although she deliberately prevented us from finding her hiding place, her voice can be heard clearly, which shows that she is actually very far away from us. In this entire stone room, this place is the only one that made me feel depressed just now. I didn’t suddenly feel relieved until the girl left. This shows that she has been here just now, and she shared what should belong to the two of us. Speaking of this, I have to say that this stone room is really exquisitely built. This stone room can only accommodate two people, and if there is one more person, it will be difficult to breathe. This kind of precision is unparalleled, and the scale is really amazing. , the person who can build this kind of stone chamber mechanism is really a genius."

"In the whole world, I know only one person who can possess this kind of talent, but unfortunately he died." Shen Bai said, lowering his head to observe the key in his hand. "So you found this key so easily just now? It seems that Zhou Yan'an likes to hide keys in bows and arrows." Shen Bai didn't speak, he just looked at the key in his hand in a daze. The first time I saw Zhou Yan'an's ingenious skill was hunting at the end of that winter.This is a way of showing off and competing that the officials and eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty liked very much. At that time, Shen Bai was nothing, but at that time he and Zhou Yan'an were already good friends.

Zhou Yanan is different from Yu Bolan, he is humorous and playful by nature, and there are always endless ideas and fun when he is with him.Although Yu Bolan is also his like-minded friend, but Shen Bai can't deny that he will be more happy and at ease when he is with Zhou Yan'an. The comparison between the children of the aristocratic family is carried out secretly.Originally, he didn't care much about winning or losing and rankings, but Zhou Yan'an couldn't understand the provocations of a son of a court official who was traveling with him, so...the two of them began to work together, ahem, it should be said that it is more elegant to hit it off. "In a while, I will pretend to be racing through this dense forest. When shooting a deer, I will pretend to miss the shot and lose my temper. Guanlan, you will take the initiative to go into the forest and help me get the feathered arrow that missed it. I will tell them about the feather arrow Arrows are the auspicious things that my ancestors of the Zhou family were undefeated in the battle. Don’t worry, they will definitely ridicule me secretly in their hearts at that time. How can they pay attention to you again? The arrow hides The key I made secretly, Guanlan, you will enter our concentration camp after you leave. The kid’s trophies this time will be kept in the cage made of fine iron that has been shown off countless times. You just need to insert the key and let it go Those animals go back to their respective homes, we will win this time..." Recalling this past event after many years, he no longer remembers the embarrassing and angry face of the son of the court official at that time, he only remembers the surprise when he first saw the key hidden in the feathered arrow and he and Zhou Yanan drank the celebration wine The joy and boldness of the time. friend?confidant?Perhaps it is difficult to summarize the friendship between him and Zhou Yan'an.A scholar dies for his confidant, he Shen Bai has not had such a chance yet, but his confidant is already dead.He couldn't check, couldn't ask, and couldn't even show a little bit of concern, because this was the emperor's will, this was the emperor's ruling, and this was an unchangeable ending. "The only one who knows each other is the ear of the king...Yuan Qing, is it too late for me to say such things now?" "Those who make friends with wealth will lose their money; those who make friends with sex will fall in love with Yu... Only the friendship with the heart can last for thousands of years, regardless of life and death. Guanlan, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and it doesn't care about sharing How many things have happened is only in the heart, I think Yan'an son Quan Xia knows, and he will understand." "No matter how much it was at that time, the only thing left today is the deserted hills. The time in the dream, the scenery in front of me, the sorrows of the present and the sorrows of the past..." Shen Bai didn't know what he thought of, suddenly read a few words, and then smiled helplessly.
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