Home Categories romance novel past life debt

Chapter 22 Chapter One

past life debt 语绿 6816Words 2018-03-16
Green Garden Bubble Tea House, the glass windows are clear and clean, and the crowds of people coming and going outside the shop can have a panoramic view. It was a bright afternoon, the melodious music and the faint scent of green tea floated in the atmosphere, making the visitors feel refreshed, forming a joyful and harmonious picture. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, which came from a corner by the window. The music and human voices were silenced for a while by the sudden sound, followed by a low growl, which completely interrupted the joyful and harmonious scene and atmosphere of the green garden, and also attracted everyone's attention——

"Shemale! You actually went to be a shemale!" It was a handsome young man, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, overall straightforward and unrestrained, just a face that should be delicate, and at the moment he was glaring at a beautiful George boy at the same table. There was a water glass in front of him, and most of the water in this glass was splashed on the table, and his right hand was resting on the table, obviously the sudden sound just now was caused by his palm slapping the table. The sound made. As for the handsome man named Zheng Chengen, after noticing strange looks from the neighboring tables, he couldn't help but blushed and lowered his head, "Yanzi, don't be so good, everyone is looking at us."

It turned out that the handsome and neutral young man sitting opposite him was a woman named Feng Yanting. When she saw her fold her arms around her chest, she snorted disapprovingly, and said sarcastically: "You dare to run to be a transvestite, why are you afraid of being seen?" "Yanzi, I really can't help it, because I really want to be a woman. This kind of mentality is the same as you always like to dress like a man. Why can't you understand my mood?" Zheng Chengen said beautifully There is sadness on the face. "That's not the same. I dress unisex instead of men. Besides, the nature of my job is not suitable for wearing skirts at all. You can't ask me to wear a narrow skirt and climb up and down the scaffolding of a ten-story building. Right? What's more, I like men, so my mentality is normal."

Feng Yanting's eyes were wide open, and he sternly refuted his bad metaphor, why she always likes to dress up as a man, she obviously has no choice but to do so. After all, as one of the directors of the construction site of "Lilin Construction", her working environment is on the construction site rather than in a comfortable air-conditioned room. No matter it is windy or rainy, or the sun is shining brightly, she always takes the lead and is not afraid of difficulties Work and eat together with the brothers under the banner. So after two years, there are more than a dozen brothers around her who are willing to go through life and death with her. How can she wear a dress that symbolizes a woman's family?Although she doesn't like to do this kind of dress by nature, she always finds it cumbersome and troublesome, but this is not the point of discussion at this moment.

"Yanzi, I don't want to be like this either, but I'm really not interested in women, even as soon as they get close, I get goose bumps all over my body." Zheng Chengen shook his head helplessly and sighed. He tried and worked hard, but he just couldn't make himself fall in love with women. He also suffered from the opposite state of mind in his body, as if God was playing tricks on people. "Then why didn't you get goosebumps when you saw me?" Feng Yanting frowned. She is an out-and-out woman, although her appearance is neutral, even though she has the nickname of a manly woman, being called "po" means that her sexuality is normal, and they are neighbors, so he should be very Clearly she's a woman, isn't it?

Zheng Chengen was amused, Feng Yanting just had the ability to make him feel better. "Yanzi, we are good friends who grew up together. It feels like family, you know? Your masculine demeanor always catches my eye. I used to want to use you as an example to see if I could acquire some masculinity, but after I went to a boys' middle school in high school, I suddenly discovered that the one I liked was actually a man—" "Stop!" Feng Yanting stretched out his hand, forcefully stopped him from continuing, then raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Arn, you only found out that you like men after you entered the boys' middle school, but have you ever thought about it?" , you are in an environment full of men, it is inevitable that you will have some illusions, maybe it is just that you have gone astray for a while, mistakenly thinking that you like men—"

"Yanzi, I have had a girlfriend before." Zheng Chengen interrupted her with a wry smile. "What! Have you ever had a girlfriend, is it real or not?" Feng Yanting's eyes widened in astonishment, and he looked at Zheng Chengen in disbelief. Because although she is among a large group of men, she has never had a boyfriend since she was a child, and her buddies have sworn a lot, but she can't say this, otherwise she will look inferior. A bitter smile appeared on Zheng Chengen's lips, he nodded and said: "Really. In high school, boys' schools didn't particularly like to find girls' schools to organize some social activities. At that time, I met a masculine girl like you.

However, later I found out that it was just an empathy effect. I couldn't feel any love for her at all, so I broke up. When we broke up, she told me that she couldn't bear that her boyfriend was more beautiful than his girlfriend, and his personality was more beautiful. And cowardly..." Hearing this, Feng Yanting couldn't stand it anymore, raised his eyebrows, and reprimanded him angrily: "What nonsense is that girl talking! You are not cowardly, you are just a little sissy, what does she know?" "Yanzi, thank you. Although your metaphor doesn't comfort me at all, I'm still very happy that you defend me like this." Zheng Chengen's shoulders slumped.

"Why are you doing this? Isn't a sissy a man? Like me, I'm called a tomboy, but I'm still a woman. If I ran to become a transvestite just for a word of explanation, what's the difference from giving up food because of choking? Ah En, don't be silly, I say you are sissy just because your personality is very gentle, and your words and deeds are too gentle and delicate, and you have a face that is prettier than girls, but it doesn't mean you are I really have to be a shemale. I believe that there are many women in this world who understand your strengths, but you haven't met them yet.Ah En, look at how vast the world is, don't go astray because of a momentary emotional deviation, and it will be too late to regret it. "

Feng Yanting looked at his dejected look with anger, and really wanted to give him a punch in his heart to wake him up, and it's only been more than a month since he saw him, why did he want to change his gender and become a woman on a whim?There must be something wrong. "Yanzi, what's the difference between gentleness and cowardice? Doesn't being gentle and delicate mean that you're not manly?" Zheng Chengen lowered his head and said with no enthusiasm at all. "Arn, there is a big difference. Gentleness means that you know how to put yourself in other people's shoes, and gentleness means that you are polite. Look at me, my words are rude, my actions are not elegant, and I am more mature from head to toe, from the inside out. It's not like what a girl should be.

My mother always said that I was hopeless, but even so, I was still very happy that I was a woman. If I had to change my sexual orientation just to be cowardly and refined, wouldn't I have to become a man for it? " Feng Yanting suddenly had the urge to beat someone fiercely. If it wasn't for Zheng Chengen in front of her, her face was so beautiful that she couldn't hit him, and his slender body seemed to be broken by the wind. Alas, even if he really wanted to use it The fist woke him up and made it impossible for her to get up. "Yanzi, you don't understand. In fact, what really makes me want to be a woman is because I have a man I like." "Hami! You have a man you like!" Feng Yanting exclaimed, the sharp voice once again attracted the attention of the people at the neighboring tables. "Well, when I saw him for the first time, I knew that I had met another semicircle in my life—" Zheng Chengen's face showed longing, and his eyes became blurred and dreamy in an instant, just like thoughts Being pulled away from another situation, unwilling to return to reality. "Stop!" Feng Yanting frowned, and interrupted him rudely, for no other reason than her body was covered with goose bumps. "Yanzi, what's the matter?" Zheng Chengen's beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he looked at her with puzzled eyes, because the throbbing in his heart was cut off by her so abruptly that he hadn't finished describing it. "You still dare to ask me what's wrong? Another semicircle in my life, My God, Ah En, how can you say such disgusting words?" Feng Yanting quickly smoothed the small bumps on his arms, I really dare not accept his nasty words. "Yanzi, you really have no interest at all. Are you really a woman? How can the other semicircle in your life be disgusting and nasty? On the contrary, don't you find these words very touching?" Zheng Chengen looked at her in disbelief , feel incredible. "I don't think so. I'm not reading Qiong Yao's novels. I think you should move back home and quit that job as a ladyboy as soon as possible, lest you get deeper and deeper." Feng Yanting glanced at the surface on her wrist, she had to go up. Zheng Chengen suddenly straightened his face, and said in an unusually serious tone: "Yanzi, in fact, I came to you for help on this matter today. If you still treat me as your childhood sweetheart, please agree to the only request I have for you in this life." Feng Yanting was stunned on the spot, feeling uneasy because of the unusually determined expression on his face, she turned her head to avoid his gaze, and decided to be an ostrich. "Arn, let's talk about something another day. My lunch break is coming, and I have to go back to the construction site as soon as possible." "Yanzi, I beg you, I am facing the most important moment in my life right now, if you don't help me, I will definitely not be able to survive." Zheng Chengen anxiously grabbed Feng Yanting's wrist, his emotions became quite agitated , the helpless eyes are full of longing and despair. Feng Yanting's heart shuddered, she was shocked by his words and eyes, she couldn't refuse him like this. "Arn, what do you want me to do for you?" Damn, he couldn't be serious, could he? "Yanzi, it's very simple, I just want to ask you to move in and live with me." Zheng Chengen had a bitter and slightly happy smile on his lips. He knew that Feng Yanting, who was always helpful and loyal, would never ignore his pleas, otherwise she wouldn't be his childhood sweetheart growing up with him. "Arn, you'd better tell the truth, you know my personality." Feng Yanting narrowed his eyes slightly, is it really so simple to live together? Zheng Cheng'en is clearly forcing him to die, and it will make a person so desperate that he can't live. Apart from love, she can't think of a second reason for the time being. "Yanzi, to tell you the truth, my parents have already become suspicious of my job, and they also asked me to move back home, but this is the only chance I can get close to him, so even if it is unrequited love, even if it is I can only watch him secretly, as long as I can be by his side, I will be satisfied. Especially through my connections, I was able to rent a unit on the floor of the building where he lived. But if I didn't have someone my parents trusted enough to live with me, I would have to move back home. Yanzi, I beg you, just because of our friendship for many years, you can temporarily move in with me. My parents like you very much. It's helping me cover up. Zheng Chengen sighed in pain. On one side is the man he loves, and on the other side are his beloved parents, no matter which side he can't turn a blind eye to, so he is neither willing to give up on this, nor can he bear to hurt his parents' hearts by telling the truth, so he is caught in a dilemma. "Cover up!" Feng Yanting's eyes widened, and he let out a low growl in disbelief, the volume was like thunder, causing the store to gradually restore the previous happy and harmonious atmosphere, but it was suddenly interrupted. This time, the service staff of Green Park could no longer turn a blind eye, because the sound of their conversation had seriously disturbed the guests in other seats. "Well, Yanzi, don't be so loud, I haven't finished speaking yet..." Zheng Chengen bit his lips tightly, even though he had already realized his slip of the tongue, it was too late. "Arn, if you just want to continue the original topic, then you don't need to say any more. You want to deceive your parents, but it doesn't mean that I can help you deceive with no conscience, and treat and trust me as a daughter. There are Jia's uncles and aunts. Since you don't regret being a human demon, then I advise you to confess to your uncles and aunts, because paper cannot contain fire..." Feng Yanting became more and more excited as he spoke, and couldn't help but shake his hands on the table. Clenched into fists, and even following her words, she couldn't help slapping the table every time she said a word. "Sir, I'm sorry, can I trouble you to speak in a lower voice, and please don't knock on the table again? Otherwise, it will affect the mood of the guests at other tables." The polite voice of the service staff interrupted Feng Yanting's words, and also made her unconsciously slap the table to stop, but the anger was still in her heart, and she replied angrily: "I was born with such a loud voice. If you don't like me, then I can go out!" The service staff was stunned, and then reacted and said: "No, sir, can you stop being so excited, we definitely didn't drive away the guests—" "Excited! How could I not be excited? My good buddies from childhood not only ran to become transsexuals, but now they want me to join hands with him to deceive his kind parents. You tell me what to do, my Can you not be emotional?" Feng Yanting stood up more excitedly as he spoke, and spoke loudly to the dumbfounded service staff. "Sir, can you calm down first?" The service staff panicked, trying to appease Feng Yanting's rather agitated mood. "Calm down! How can I calm down?" Feng Yanting roared madly. "Yanzi, don't be like this, I can explain it, I..." Zheng Chengen was so ashamed that he could feel the strange eyes cast from all directions. He had never been so embarrassing in public, but he was with Feng Yanting , he should know that she has this ability to attract attention in an instant. "What else do you want to explain? You want to cover up and find someone else. If you are a friend, don't drag me into the water. Don't worry, I won't tell my uncle and aunt about your being a transvestite. You are not afraid of hurting their hearts, but I am." hurt them. As for whether you want to be a man or a woman, you can do whatever you want, but in front of your uncles and aunts, even if you pretend to be a man, you have to pretend to be a man, hum! "Feng Yanting snorted from his nostrils, put down his words angrily, then turned and left the position without looking back. "Yanzi, geese..." Zheng Chengen nervously wanted to call Feng Yanting back, but the latter had no intention of turning back, so he couldn't help but lower his head dejectedly. Because he not only messed up everything, but even made Feng Yanting furious because of it.God, what should he do? And the service staff stood there at a loss, unable to recover for a long time. ☆☆☆ Feng Yanting picked up the key and walked towards the arcade where the motorcycle was parked full of annoyance. If the lunch break was not approaching every minute, she would have scolded Zheng Chengen severely. "Goose." An old and heavy voice sounded from behind Feng Yanting, but the voice was familiar, even so familiar that Feng Yanting turned around in shock as if he had been electrocuted, when he saw Zheng Chengen's mother's face, The whole person was shocked in place, not knowing how to react. "Yanzi, can I disturb you for a few minutes?" Zheng's mother had a bitter smile on her lips, and looked at the door of the green garden teahouse with a panicked expression. "Auntie, I... I'm going to be late for work, can you wait for me when I get off work..." Feng Yanting yelled secretly, because she suddenly had an ominous premonition. Mother Zheng's appearance was by no means a coincidence, no matter in terms of venue or timing, it didn't seem like a coincidence, my God, she couldn't have happened to be in the green garden at that time, right? "Yanzi, I beg you." Mother Zheng knelt down towards Feng Yanting unexpectedly. "Auntie, don't do this!" Feng Yanting was taken aback, and promptly reached out to stop Zheng's mother's action with sharp eyes, which really frustrates her as a younger generation. Fortunately, she has sharp eyesight and quick hands, otherwise she would have a short life. "Yanzi, I have something to ask you, I really can't think about it, so I can only ask you, please help me, otherwise I really can't survive, woo..." Mother Zheng lowered her head, Emotionally excited and sad, he couldn't help crying. Feng Yanting panicked, even though she had vaguely guessed in her heart that this matter was definitely related to Zheng Chengen, but at this moment, could she say no? "Auntie, don't be like this, as long as I can help you, just say it." She hurriedly took out a pack of portable tissue paper from her hand, and she forced it into Zheng's mother's hand, because she was never good at Comforting people, let alone an elder. "Yanzi, thank you. I knew you were a good girl. Although your words and deeds were a little rough, you are kind-hearted and helpful." Zheng's mother took out a tissue, and looked at Feng Yanting choked with gratitude. "Auntie, don't say that, my mother always said that I'm like a wild girl, and I'm not caring at all." Feng Yanting sighed secretly, and said with a self-deprecating tone. Who taught her to be rude was a fact, and it was well known in their community. "Yanzi, if my family's En can be like you, how great would it be?" Zheng's mother's face became sad. "Auntie, Arne may come out soon, are you sure we want to stand here and talk?" Feng Yanting glanced at the green garden with a wry smile. Having said that, she was already 100% sure why Zheng's mother came. . "Uh, Yanzi, there is a small park there, let's talk about it as we walk." Zheng's mother froze for a moment, then nodded in response, but her heart sank heavily. Who said that Feng Yanting is not caring at all, apart from being too rude in her words and deeds, she is actually very considerate and careful. On the other hand, her son seems to have a delicate and gentle heart, but his actions seem selfish and cruel . "Auntie, please tell me what you want to say." Feng Yanting stole a peek at Zheng's mother's thoughtful expression while walking, her heart was extremely heavy.well!Hearing the words "I can't survive" twice a day, and the interval between each other is less than 20 minutes, they are indeed mother and son. "Yanzi, I watched you grow up, and I understand that you are straight, so I'll get straight to the point. I heard the conversation between you and En just now." Mother Zheng said as she walked weakly. When she heard her only son speak out about his sexual orientation, she was greatly shocked. Although she had doubts in her heart before, when she really heard it with her own ears, she found that she could not accept this fact. "Oh, I guessed it too." Feng Yanting shrugged with a wry smile. "Yanzi, you know that your uncle and I are old-fashioned, so we have loved and protected Arne too much since we were young, but after all, he is the only blood of our Zheng family, and we all depend on him for the succession of the family. Human demon, woo..." Zheng's mother started to cry again as she thought about it. "Auntie, don't cry, Ah En will become like this, it may be because her feelings have been traumatized—" Feng Yanting panicked again when she saw this, but if she were to change places, maybe even she would want to cry, right? But before crying, she would definitely give Zheng Chengen a hard time, because he dared to make his mother cry, he really shouldn't. "Yanzi, you don't need to comfort me. Arne is my child. I know him very well, especially now that he has a man he likes. Unless the other party is married, he will never give up. On the contrary, he will always Secretly in love with that person." Mother Zheng shook her head, taking out a tissue to wipe the corners of her eyes as she spoke. "Auntie, did you really hear everything?" Feng Yanting had to believe that Mother Zheng really heard everything. "Yanzi, can you help me find out who En is secretly in love with?" Zheng's mother suddenly straightened her face. "Huh—" Feng Yanting was stunned in place in astonishment. "Yanzi, I've been thinking about it for a long time. I think that now, except for the object of Ah En's crush, no one can stop Ah En's determination to become a woman." Zheng's mother nodded with a serious face. "Really? Auntie, are you sure that the person Ah En has a crush on can really make Ah En change his mind?" Feng Yanting asked without optimism, but he couldn't deny that men and women who fall in love are sometimes quite blind and stubborn. "Yanzi, even you can't convince Ah En, I'm already a dead horse and a living horse doctor, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will try to do it. In fact, this matter should not bother you, but recently even my old man has become suspicious, and I dare not go to a private detective, so I thought of you, who knows that Ah En also chose to look for you at the construction site today , I called a taxi and secretly followed behind you. Sigh, Yanzi, I really didn't intend to eavesdrop on your conversation with An, but your voice is really loud, so loud that I can't even imagine not hearing it. "Mother Zheng lowered her head in embarrassment. "Auntie, of course I know that you didn't eavesdrop on purpose, because I'm born with a loud voice. Since Auntie just wants me to help you find out who En is secretly in love with, what's the problem?" Feng Yanting laughed dryly. "Really? Yanzi." When Mother Zheng heard this, her eyes lit up with hope. "Really, Auntie, I will take care of everything, you can rest assured and leave it to me, go home and rest, I have to go back to the construction site as soon as possible." Feng Yanting patted his chest and said confidently. "Really? Yanzi, thank you so much." Mother Zheng happily held Feng Yanting's hand. "Auntie, don't say that, it's just a small matter for me to find someone, and I'm doing something, you just have to rest assured." Feng Yanting patted his chest again. "Yanzi, with your words, I feel at ease." "Auntie, I will find this person as soon as possible, and I will notify you as soon as I find out, Auntie, is that okay?" "Okay, Yanzi, I'm really sorry to bother you, I really don't know how to thank you..." "Auntie, don't be like this. I grew up with Arne, so Arne's business is my business, but my lunch break is really coming up, so I have to go." "Yanzi, since that's the case, I won't disturb your work." "Well, auntie, goodbye, I'm going first." "Yanzi, goodbye, be careful when riding on the road, you know?" "Know."
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